ACTS: QUESTIONS FOR VBCBI, Russell Earl Kelly, PHD, Aug 20, 2016

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1. The book of Acts: (1:1)

a. is a literal continuation of John.

b. records the growth of the early church before AD 70

c. is not part of Luke

d. should not be called “The Acts of the Holy Spirit”

2. Christ’s resurrection had been witnessed by so many people that (1:3)

a. Luke calls it an “infallible proof” of historical fact

b. it must have involved a giant conspiracy

c. doubters will not try to disprove it

d. Christianity struggled to survive its first years

3. The disciples’ last question to Jesus (1:6-7)

a. concerned the Holy Spirit and the spiritual kingdom of God

b. revealed that they had paid close attention to Jesus

c. proves they still expected a literal Messianic kingdom on earth

d. was corrected by Jesus in view of the Church

4. Christian witnessing (1:8)

a. is an option, not a command

b. is necessary for spiritual growth

c. will hasten the coming of Christ

d. b and c

5. Christ’s return (1:10-11)

a. is figurative and not literal

b. occurs when we die as some churches teach

c. will be both literal and visible

d. occurred in 70 A. D. as Preterists teach

6. Judas Iscariot (1:16-26)

a. was replaced by Mathias when God answered Peter’s prayer through casting lots

b. was not replaced; Judas sincerely repented and killed himself to show remorse

c. was not replaced; Jesus had ordained him also

d. was replaced by the Apostle Paul


7. The Feast of Pentecost (2:1)

a. is called the Feast of Firstfruits

b. occurred 50 days after Passover

c. celebrates the giving of the Law at Mt. Sinai

D. b and c

8. Tongues (2:2-11)

a. were a miraculous sign that the New Covenant was in effect

b. the gift at Pentecost was hearing one speaker by 14+ known language groups

c. the contents of the tongues was the works of God

d. all of the above
9. Peter said that the gift of tongues was a fulfillment of Joel 2:28-31 (2:16-21)

a. the primary purpose was not teaching

b. Joel will not have a greater secondary fulfillment

c. those who heard the gospel through the use of tongues and called upon the LORD were saved

d. tongues was not a sign to unbelieving Jews

10. In his sermon Peter (2:22-37)

a. did not involve the gift of tongues

b. was very likely the very message heard by the unbelievers through the miracle of tongues

c. was a totally different message than that heard in tongues

d. did not accuse the Jews of killing Christ

11. Acts 2:38 is understood by Baptists to mean

a. water baptism is essential for salvation

b. baptism must be in the name of Jesus Christ only

c. true believers will have the gift of tongues

d. “for” means “because of”; the remission of sins comes when one repents and accepts Christ

12. In Acts 2:41 all 3000 who were saved heard the gospel message –each in his/her own language.

a. were only members of the non-instrumental “Church of Christ”

b. tongues was a necessary spiritual sign at that time

13. In Acts 2:44-46

a. They probably expected Jesus to return at any moment.

b. God commanded them to have all things in common

c. God commanded them to continue worshipping in the temple daily

d. they perfectly understood every New Covenant doctrine


14. Acts 3:6, “Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”

a. the lame man wanted healing more than alms

b. means that gospel workers should not become wealthy

c. is used by Protestants to mock wealthy popes

d. means that the power to heal is in the healer

15. Acts 3:19, “Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lord.”

a. Peter forgot to add “and be baptized” as in 2:38

b. repentance and Holy Spirit conversion through the grace of God is the plan of salvation

c. like pre-Calvary sins, they are still only covered by the blood

d. the “gift which is the Holy Spirit is the same thing as “gifts” from the Holy Spirit
16. In Acts 3:21 “the restitution of all things which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets”

a. includes restoring believers into the same status as Adam and Eve before sin entered

b. includes restoration of national Israel

c. includes replacing Israel with the Church

d. a and b

17. Acts 3:22-23 Moses was a type of Christ

a. No.

b. failure to obey Moses did not result in physical death

c. both provided a path of escape from bondage

d. both emphasized that sin is the transgression of the whole literal Law of Moses


18. The priests, temple captain (a Levite) and Sadducees (4:1-3)

a. all had financial reasons for opposing Jesus

b. were not opponents of the Pharisees

c. usually had the support of the general population

d. all believed in the resurrection from the dead

19. Being “filled with the Holy Spirit” (4:8-12)

a. always resulted in speaking or hearing in tongues

b. always resulted in boldness to testify about Jesus

c. was not a sign of New Covenant fulfillment

d. is only for Christian leaders, not the people

20. Acts 4:12 MEMORIZE

21. When commanded by authorities not to speak or teach in the name of Jesus (4:18-20)

a. the disciples obeyed authority

b. this threat affects most Christians even today

c. the disciples chose to obey God first and not the rulers

d. it was already illegal to speak in Jesus’ name at that time

22. In Acts 4:31 being “filled with the Holy Spirit”

a. resulted in speaking in tongues

b. resulted in speaking the word of God with boldness

c. meant immediate baptism was necessary

d. all of the above


23. The sin of Ananias and Sapphira was (5:1-11)

a. robbing God in tithes and offerings

b. conspiring to lie to the Holy Spirit

c. promising God one thing and giving Him another

d. b and c

24. The main meeting place for the biblical church in Jerusalem was (5:12)

a. Solomon’s porch at the Jerusalem Temple

b. the catacombs

c. their church building

d. the synagogues

25. What is the context of “we ought to obey God rather than men” (5:29-32)

a. obeying man’s laws as long as they do not contradict God’s commands

b. telling the world about Jesus and His resurrection as commanded by God

c. not praying for our political leaders

d. not objecting to man’s laws in any context

26. Who was Gamaliel (5:34-40)

a. an unimportant Sanhedrin leader

b. a Sanhedrin member who testified against Jesus

c. Paul’s teacher; a famous teacher in Israel

d. non-biblical history does not mention him

27. Why did the Jewish Christians continue to daily worship in the Temple? (5:42)

a. habit only

b. they understood Jesus’ teaching about the Law

c. they were still Jews first and Christians second

d. they already understood New Covenant doctrine well


28. What is the purpose of deacons in the church? (6:1-6)

a. to relieve ordained elders of the task of spending too much time physically helping the needy in the church in order to preach the gospel

b. to run the everyday affairs of the church

c. to hire and fire the pastor

d. to tell the church body what to do

29. What changes would Jewish priests who became Christians have to make? (6:8)

a. they would have to believe in the resurrection

b. they would have to renounce their temple priesthood

c. they would have to accept Christ’s vicarious atonement

d. all of the above

30. Stephens’ opponents were: (6:9)

a. Aramaic speaking Jews from Jerusalem

b. Greek-speaking Jews of the diaspora (dispersion)

c. all non-Christians

d. a and b

31. The worst accusation against Stephen was: (6:11-13)

a. Jesus would destroy the temple

b. Jesus would change what Moses taught in the Law

c. their own testimonies

d. hired false witnesses


32. Stephens’ words in Acts 7:2-50:

a. were designed to prove that he was a typical Jew

b. were unknown to most Hebrews

c. were the redemption story of Israel memorized by every Hebrew child

d. offended his listeners

33. Stephen accused his executioners of: (7:51-53)

a. not being spiritual Jews and resisting the Holy Spirit as their fathers had also done

b. being the descendants of those who killed the prophets

c. betraying and murdering Jesus

d. being law-breakers themselves

e. all of the above

34. “Being full of the Holy Ghost,” Stephen (7:54-60).

a. spoke in tongues

b. saw Jesus in heaven at the right hand of God

c. apologized for speaking because he was only a deacon

d. ceased to exist at his death


35. What did persecution cause in 8:1-4?

a. the early church to be scattered into the entire known world

b. Saul to be converted

c. the early church to obey Matthew 28:19-20

D. all of the above

36. After Calvary the Apostles’ attitude towards the Samaritans (8:5-8)

a. changed drastically

b. they remained prejudiced
37. Simon the sorcerer from Samaria (8:9-24)

a. had never truly been saved

b. was an infant Christian who had much to learn

c. was threatened by the disciples as an unbeliever

d. prayed to be saved in 8:24

38. Why did not the Holy Spirit come upon the Samaritan believers as soon as they believed? (8:15-17)

a. the Bible is not clear on this

b. this was still a transitional time between the Old and New Covenant and signs and wonders were prominent

c. a and b

d. being baptized “in the name of Jesus only” is the only proper baptismal formula

39. When the Ethiopian eunuch asked Philip to baptize him (8:26-40)

a. it proved that the Old Testament can be used to lead one to Christ

b. it proved that water baptism is essential for salvation

c. it proved that water baptism follows becoming saved by believing

d. a and c


40. Why did the high priest have authority to put to death Christians at this time (9:1-2)?

a. most likely Pilate had been recalled to Rome and the high priests had such authority in his absence

b. he really did not have that authority

c. he would turn them over to Rome for the death penalty

d. this is a contradiction in the Bible

41. Saul of Tarsus, the Hebrew fanatic, became Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles (9:3-8).

a. after Jesus directly interceded in his life

b. after a very miraculous conversion experience

c. a and b

d. agnostics and atheists have easily refuted Paul’s conversion account

42. When Saul met Ananias of Damascus (9:9-22)

a. Ananias dared not question God about his visit to Saul

b. he received his sight, was filled with the Holy Spirit, and then spoke in tongues

c. waited 13 years before preaching Christ

d. he received his sight, was filled with the Holy Spirit and then was baptized

43. After his conversion (9:27-31)

a. Barnabas, a Levite, and Paul’s new companion verified everything he did in Damascus to the Jerusalem church

b. Greek-speaking Jews tried to kill him

c. Paul was secreted home to Tarsus for many years

d. all of the above

44. Peter brought Dorcas (Tabitha) of Joppa back to life. (9:36-43)

a. because she was very good and very well liked

b. it demonstrated that the disciples had the same healing powers as Jesus

c. because her resurrection led many to believe

d. b and c


45. Who were the “God-fearers”? (10:1-2, 22)

a. Jewish Christians

b. Gentiles who wanted to be Jewish

c. Jews who were not Christians

d. Roman Centurions who wanted to become Christians

46. Peter had a vision in which he was told three times to kill and eat unclean food (10:10-16)

a. unclean laws were designed to remind Israel that it was different from other nations

b. unclean food was still unhealthy because God only ended spiritual differences between Jews and Gentiles

c. Peter already understood the vision

d. Peter was eager to witness to Gentiles

47. “God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean” (10:28, 34-35)

a. is not an important statement

b. the vision was not primarily about food

c. God used something that is true to illustrate something that is also true

d. God used something that is not true to illustrate something that is true

48. Peter now knew that the O.T. predicted the conversion of the Gentiles (10:42-43)

a. no, he refused to eat the unclean food

b. Christ’s Great Commission was now making sense to him

c. the thought that God would save Gentiles never occurred to most Hebrews

d. Jews all knew exactly what their Holy Scriptures taught

49. The converted Gentiles spoke in tongues (10:44-46)

a. speaking in tongues was an essential evidence of being filled with the Holy Spirit

b. tongues convinced the Apostles that Gentiles are now equal with Hebrews concerning salvation


50. Peter’s opposition in the Jerusalem Church (11:1-18)

a. was unconverted Hebrews

b. was converted Jewish-Christian Pharisees

c. was probably the same group which later opposed Paul

51. Antioch in Syria was important (11:20-24)

a. Jewish missionaries preached the gospel to Gentiles

b. the disciples were called “Christians” first there

c. Barnabas brought Paul to Antioch for a year

d. all of the above

52. Paul’s first mission journey (11:25-30)

a. was to Jewish Christians in Jerusalem

b. was to Cyprus and Galatia

c. was from Antioch of Psidia

d. was with Silas and John Mark


53. King Herod the Great (12:1-5)

a. killed James the brother of John

b. made the Jews happy by killing Christians

c. imprisoned Peter, intending to kill him

d. none of the above

54. After an angel had delivered Peter from prison (12:6-19)

a. Herod was afraid to kill the prison guards

b. Herod killed the prison guards

c. Peter hid in Joppa

d. Christians hid inside Jerusalem

55. When the people cried, “It is the voice of a god and not of a man” to Herod (12:20-25)

a. Herod determined to kill more Christians

b. Herod issued orders to find and kill Peter

c. Herod was immediately eaten by worms

d. Herod became more famous than before


56. The assembly at Antioch, Syria (13:1-2)

a. had as least two leaders from Africa

b. was all-white and all-Jewish

c. was a mixture of Jews and Gentiles from many nations

d. a and c
57. The assembly at Antioch, Syria, sent Paul and Barnabas on their first “missionary” journey (13:2-3)

a. after they fasted, prayed and gathered financial support

b. after they fasted, prayed and laid hands upon them

c. after they fasted, prayed, laid hands upon them and gathered financial support

d. after they promised to send Paul and Barnabas financial support

58. The first stop of Paul’s first missionary journey was the island of Cyprus. They preached in the Jewish synagogues (13:4-5)

a. because Christianity was still a recognized offshoot of Judaism at that time

b. by hiding their Christian faith

c. by pretending to be Jews

d. because they still honored the 7th day Sabbath

59. Sergius Paulus (13:6-12)

a. was a ruler of Cyprus who accepted Christ

b. opposed Paul and sent Bar-Jesus to attack him

c. became angry when Paul blinded Bar-Jesus

d. later led Bar-Jesus to a saving faith in Christ

60. In Antioch of Psidia the rulers of the synagogue asked Paul to speak (13:14-15)

a. because they knew Paul was a Christian

b. because they knew Paul was a Jewish doctor of the Law

c. because they knew Paul was a Jew

d. all of the above

61. Paul’s logic from Psalm 2:7 and 16:10 (13:33-37) was

a. they could not refer to David

b. David is dead and his body saw corruption

c. they refer to the Messiah who is Jesus Christ

d. all of the above

62. Antioch of Psidia was an important turning point in Christian history because (13:39-48)

a. Paul taught justification by faith to all believers

b. most Jews rejected Paul’s message

c. Paul saw himself as a light to the Gentiles and began focusing more on Gentiles

d. all three points above are equally important

63. Seventh-day Adventists use 13:42-44 to prove

a. that Paul never stopped making the Sabbath the most important day to worship

b. that the Law had not been changed to Sunday worship

c. that Paul did not command Sunday worship

d. all of the above


64. After Cyprus and Antioch of Psidia, Paul and Barnabas came to Iconium in Galatia (13:51 to 14:10).

a. Following the pattern begun in Antioch of Psidia, the unbelieving Jews stirred up unbelieving Jews and Gentiles against them.

b. They left peacefully to Lystra and Derbe

c. There had been few conversions in Iconium

d. Because of lack of faith, Peter was unable to heal

65. Paul’s opposition at Lystra in Galatia (14:19-20)

a. was Jewish-Christians from Jerusalem

b. was unconverted Jews from Antioch of Psidia and Iconium

c. convinced the people to stone Paul to death

d. b and c

66. After preaching in Derbe of Galatia (14:20-28)

a. Paul returned home to Antioch in Syria but avoided the cities which persecuted him

b. Paul retraced most of his return journey through cities which had persecuted him

c. Paul revisited Cyprus and then sailed to Antioch, Syria

d. Paul began his 2nd missionary journey from Derbe in Galatia


67. Acts 15 is a very important chapter in the Bible because

a. it records the early church wholeheartedly embracing Gentile Christians

b. it records the Second Church Council

c. it records an erroneous compromise by the church leader, James, the half-brother of Jesus

d. it records the events between Paul’s first and second missionary journeys

68. Acts 15:1-11, the First Church Council, was over the doctrine of

a. the deity of Jesus Christ

b. justification by faith alone

c. sanctification using unclean foods

d. eschatology: when will Christ return

69. Paul’s chief opponents in Acts 15 were

a. unsaved Jews

b. saved Gentiles

c. Jewish-Christian Pharisees

d. the apostles and church leaders

70. Paul’s opponents in Acts 15:1-5 (50 A. D.)

a. taught that salvation was only possible to those who observed the Law of Moses and were circumcised

b. taught that only physical Jews could be saved

c. highly valued Paul’s opinions

d. ignored Peter because he had defiled himself by associating with Gentiles

71. James’ solution to the two views (15:13-33)

a. was a good compromise

b. was a bad compromise

c. quoted Isaiah 61 to justify his compromise

d. made both sides of the argument satisfied

72. James’ prohibition against “fornication, things strangled and blood” (15:20, 28)

a. was added from the Law to appease Paul’s opponents

b. referred to Gentile idolatrous worship customs which particularly offended the Jews

c. added law requirements to Gentiles for salvation

d. meant salvation is “by grace through faith” plus works of law

73. Paul chose Silas for his second missionary journey (15:36-41)

a. because he no longer liked Barnabas

B. because he did not want to take John Mark again

c. because Cyprus was home territory for Barnabas

d. b and c


74. Paul met Timothy at Derbe and Lystra in his second missionary journey. (16:1-5)

a. Timothy was a full-blooded Jew

b. Paul had Timothy circumcised because he taught that the Law controlled lives of Christians

c. Paul had Timothy circumcised to appease Jewish Christians who were still confused about the Law

d. After the First Church Council the whole church understood its relationship to the law correctly

75. Why did Paul not go to Bithynia (16:6)?

a. the Bible gives no clue

b. the Holy Spirit forbade it

c. Peter was already ministering there

d. b and c

76. Paul’s chief opponents in Philippi (16:12-22)

a. were Jews

b. were Jewish Christians from Jerusalem

c. were Roman citizens and rulers

d. beat and imprisoned Paul and Silas, after discovering that Paul was a Roman citizen

77. After God miraculously opened the prison doors for Paul and Silas in Philippi (16:23-33)

a. the Roman guard tried to kill them

b. the Roman guard and his family were saved

c. baptism followed salvation

d. b and c

78. As Roman citizens (16:37-40)

a. Paul and Silas were treated correctly

b. Paul and Silas could have gotten the magistrates into a lot of trouble

c. Paul and Silas quietly left town

d. Paul and Silas did not “rub it in”


79. In Thessalonica (17:1-9)

a. most converts were Gentiles and chief women

b. unbelieving Jews hired lewd people to cause trouble

c. Paul was accused of teaching that Jesus was a threat to Caesar

d. all of the above

80. In Berea the Jews in their synagogue (17:10-14)

a. did the same thing as other non-believing Jews

b. discovered the truth by searching the Scriptures themselves

c. Paul was not bothered by Jews from Thessalonica

81. In Athens (17:15-34)

a. Paul debated Greek philosophers about the Unknown god

b. Paul ignored the Jewish synagogue

c. Paul later wrote a biblical letter correcting its Christians

d. Paul was not allowed to debate on Mars Hill
2. Paul’s sermon in Athens (17:22-32)

a. connected God’s truth with what Greek poets taught

b. was totally about Greek philosophy

c. ended when he taught the resurrection from the dead

d. a and c


83. In Corinth (18:1-6)

a. Paul completely stopped going to Jewish synagogues every Sabbath

b. Paul stayed with Aquila, a fellow tentmaker

c. a and b

84. After Paul had stayed in Corinth for 18 months (18:7-17)

a. Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, kicked him out

b. God warned Paul to be aware of more persecution

c. the Jews brought Paul before a Roman court

d. the Roman court compelled Paul to leave

Timeline: In Ephesus (18:19-22) Paul only stayed a short time. He had a vow to fulfill and had to return to Jerusalem and, next, Antioch of Syria. His 2nd journey ended.

85. Paul’s third missionary journey (18:23-28)

a. 25 years after Calvary, Apollos, a disciple of John the Baptist, had not heard of the Pentecost baptism

b. Apollos was teaching erroneous theology about Christ

c. Apollos needed much correction from Paul and his group

d. Apollos was not allowed to preach Christ

86. At Ephesus during Paul’s third journey (19:1-8)

a. Paul re-baptized believers who had been baptized under John the Baptist’s baptism

b. since the transition from Old to New Covenant was still occurring, those baptized spoke in tongues

c. a and b

d. at this time Paul stayed in Ephesus 3 years

87. After being rejected from the synagogue in Ephesus (19:9-12)

a. Paul only taught on the Sabbath

b. Paul taught daily for two years

c. Paul’s message only reached those in Ephesus

88. When 7 Jewish exorcists attempted to cast out demons in Jesus’ name (19:13-20)

a. they were successful

b. the demon-possessed man attacked and hurt them

c. the demon-possessed man burned books on spiritualism

d. the demon-possessed man died

89. Demetrius, a silversmith in Ephesus (19:23-41)

a. was angry because his livelihood as priest for Diana had been harmed

b. was converted to Christianity

c. wanted to replace Diana with Mary as the Mother of God

d. became a close companion to Paul

90. The town clerk of Ephesus (19:35-41)

a. reminded the people that Diana’s statue had fallen down from Jupiter

b. told them to bring their complaint to the legal authorities or stop the dissension

c. satisfied the crowds with his remarks

d. a and b

91. Luke joined Paul (20:1-6))

a. in Philippi

b. in Troas

c. in Antioch of Syria

d. nobody knows

92. For Hebrews the first day of the week (20:7)

a. was Sunday evening after sunset

b. was Saturday evening after sunset

c. was a time of worship and communion

d. b and c

93. The death of Eutychus is an example of (20:9-12)

a. the results of a boring sermon

b. the results of a too-long sermon

c. preaching all night until sunrise

d. possibly all of the above

94. Addressing church elders from the region of Ephesus (20:18-24)

a. Paul used Jesus’ life as an example for all to mimic

b. his message was repentance towards God and faith toward Jesus Christ

c. Paul was afraid because he knew he would be placed in bonds

d. all of the above

95. Paul’s farewell message to the elders around Ephesus included: (20:25-34)

a. he had declared the whole gospel

b. he boasted of being self-supporting

c. he encouraged (not commanded) those elders to follow his example

d. all of the above
96. Jesus’ words (not elsewhere recorded) ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive” (20:35)

a. were made up by Paul

b. were directed only to church members

c. were directed especially to church elders for examples to others

d. should be ignored since they do not occur elsewhere


97. Philip the Evangelist (21:8-9)

a. apparently lived in Caesarea (8:40)

b. was not one of the original 7 deacons (6:3)

c. was not the same Philip who evangelized Samaria

d. was not the same Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch (8:26)

98. The following statement by James, the leader of the Jerusalem church “Thou seest, brother, how many thousands of Jews there are which believe; and they are all zealous of the law: And they are informed of thee, that thou teachest all the Jews which are among the Gentiles to forsake Moses, saying that they ought not to circumcise their children, neither to walk after the customs” (21:20-21)

a. was not in agreement with the compromise of the First Church Council recorded in Acts 15:19-29; 21:24-26

b. was the will of God to keep the church divided by the law

c. was fully obeyed by Paul who taught Jews he converted to continue keeping the Law

d. reveals that Jewish Christians in Jerusalem continued to follow the law, worship in the temple and support the temple.

99. In 60 A. D., 30 years after Calvary (21:22-30)

a. the church in Jerusalem correctly understood the law

b. James, the leader of the church in Jerusalem, commanded Paul to make vows in the temple to prove he was teaching Jewish converts to keep the whole law

c. Jews from Judea caused a riot

d. Levite temple guards rescued Paul

100. Paul obeyed James and sacrificed at the Temple (21:20-27)

a. because he believed the Law was still in full force

b. because he believed Christ’s sacrifice was not sufficient

c. because he believed that he should act as a Jew sometimes in order to reach them for Christ (1 Cor 9:20)

d. because everything he did was God’s will


101. Paul spoke to the crowd in Hebrew (22:2)

a. because it was the common language

b. because it was the holy language

c. possibly because it impressed them of his former status

d. b and c

102. Paul gave his testimony of conversion (22:2-

a. in fear and trembling

b. eagerly, as he had many times previously

c. as every Christian should (1 Peter 3:15)

d. b and c

103. The angry crowd listened to Paul’s testimony until (22:20-22)

a. he said God had sent him to the Gentiles

b. he mentioned the resurrection from the dead

c. he criticized the Jewish high priest and leaders

d. he said he was a Christian

104. The Roman officer untied Paul and commanded the Jewish leaders to appear before him and Paul (22:25-30)

a. because Paul was a Roman citizen with Roman rights

b. because Paul had not started the riot

c. because Paul had not been accused by the Jews

d. all of the above

105. The Roman captain protected Paul (23:1-15)

a. because a riot had begun

b. because he did not want a Roman citizen killed by Jews

c. 40 men had conspired to kill Paul

d. a and b


106. Paul defended himself before Felix. (24:1-27)

a. His accusers, Jews from Asia, were present and lied.

b. he had been accused of teaching resurrection

c. he was set free without bodyguards

d. he was kept free to impress Felix’s superior, Festus


107. Two years later Paul defended himself before Festus (25:1-11)

a. none of the Jews’ accusations could be proven

b. Paul refused to be judged in Jerusalem

c. Paul appealed to be judged by Caesar (in Rome)

d. all of the above

108. Festus wanted King Agrippa (25:13-27)

a. to kill Paul

b. to find a legitimate accusation for him to give Caesar

c. to imprison him elsewhere

d. to turn Paul over to the Jews to be killed


109. Paul told King Agrippa (26:1-11)

a. he (Paul) was not happy

b. he (Agrippa) knew nothing about the Jews

c. he (Paul) had punished Christians in every synagogue

d. He (Paul) had been a Sadducee

110. Paul’s testimony to King Agrippa (26:12-27)

a. included an appeal for him to be saved

b. included an appeal for the king to repent

c. included an appeal for him to be baptized

d. a and b

111. King (Herod) Agrippa II (26:28-32)

a. thought Paul was guilty

b. almost accepted Christ as his Savior

c. said he was afraid to pass judgment on Paul

d. insisted that Rome make the final decision


112. As Paul sailed towards a prison in Rome (27:1-44)

a. he had a vision and predicted loss of life

b. God spared all lives so Paul could witness to Caesar

c. all prisoners died except Paul

d. the ship broke in half before being grounded


113. Shipwrecked on the island of Melita (28:1-22)

a. Paul was first called a murderer and then a god

b. the Jews there had not heard of him

c. the Jews in Rome were disturbed by the sect of Christians

d. all of the above

114. For two years house-arrest in Rome (28:23-31)

a. Paul preached unhindered from his own guarded house

b. afterwards Paul was released and may have visited Spain

c. next Paul and Peter were killed as martyrs in Rome

d. a and b

Teacher: Russell Earl Kelly, PHD; Washington, Ga

VBCBI, Victory Baptist Church Bible Institute

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