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1. What isthe time period for Obadiah?

2. Which Hebrew word is used for both GOD and LORD?

3. Which O. T. books are written to nations other than Israel (and Judah)?

4. What was Edom?

5. Obadiah 1:3 What is the “cleft of the rocks” probably a reference to?

6. Obadiah 1:10 What fulfilled prophecy was made about Edom?

7. Jonah 1:1 When did Jonah occur?

8. Jonah 1:2 Why is Jonah such an unusual book to be found in the Holy Hebrew Bible?

9. Jonah 1:7-10 In what two ways did the men on the ship know Jonah was responsible for the storm?

10. Jonah 1:14-16 What clues suggest the pagans began worshipping and serving Yahweh when the storm ceased?

11. Jonah 2:1-6 How did Jonah describe his time inside the sea creature?

12. Jonah 3 all: What did one of the most savage empires in history temporarily do which temporarily extended its life?

13. Jonah 4:1-2 Why did Jonah originally flee from God?

14. Jonah 4:3-8 Why did Jonah become angry with God and want to die?

15. Jonah 4:9-11 What is THE point of God sending a Hebrew prophet to Nineveh?

16. Joel 1:4-12 What natural disaster had just occurred?

17. Joel 1:13-20 Like Obadiah, what does Joel compare this locust invasion to?

18. Joel 1:13-20 What was Joel’s suggested plan of action?

19. Joel 2:1-11 Which arguments support an Assyrian context?

20. Joel 2:1-11 Which arguments support a Babylonian context around 586 B. C. ?

21. Joel 2:12-27 Did an event matching this prophecy occur in the Old Testament?

22. Joel 2:27-32 When does Peter say this prophecy was fulfilled?

23. Joel 2:27-32 What principle of prophetic fulfillment is seen here?

24. Define “the day of the LORD.”

25. Joel 3:1-21 How can 3:1-21 be explained in the context of 2:27-31?



1. It is best to assign Obadiah to two places: (1) around 890 B. C. when a confederation of armies under Edom sacked Jerusalem or (2) 586 B. C. when Edom joined with Babylon to sack Jerusalem.

2. YHWH (Yahweh, Jehovah) is spelled either GOD or LORD in the Bible.

3. Obadiah was written to Edom; Jonah and Nahum were written to Nineveh, the capital of the Assyrian Empire.

4. Edom is a nation S. E. of the Dead Sea of the descendants of Esau who constantly fought with Israel and Judah. Herod was an Edomite.

5. This is probably a reference to Pella (Sella, Petra), the rock city.

6. Edom would cease to be a nation forever (Amos 1:11; Isa 63:1-6; Jer 49-7-22; Eze 25:12-14; 35:3-9).

7. Jonah occurred around 800 B. C. while Assyria was near its height but before it captured N. Israel in 722 B. C.

8. Even in the Old Testament times God sent a holy prophet to a pagan Gentile nation to preach repentance of sins.

9. 1:7-10 (1) The casting of lots fell on Jonah and (2) he admitted he was fleeing from God.

10. They prayed to the LORD, offered sacrifices to the LORD and made vows to the LORD.

11. 2:2 Jonah described Sheol (Hell) as the depths of the mountains of the sea.

12. 3 all: From King to pauper, the Assyrian Empire temporarily repented of its sin and cruelty.

13. 4:1-2 Jonah was a prejudiced Hebrew who did not want God to show grace to non-Hebrews.

14. 4:3-8 Jonah was angry with God for not killing the Assyrians and for killing the gourd which provided shade.

15. 4:10-11 (1) God loved pagan Gentiles even in the Old Testament. (2) Israel should have rejoiced to see Gentiles coming to worship its GOD (Zech 14). (3) By extension, God so loved the world and Jesus died for the sins of all mankind.

16. Joel 1:4-12 Severe drought had been followed by a locust invasion in Judea and there was no food for offerings in the temple.

17. Joel 1:13-20 He compares it to “the day of the LORD” when God will punish sin.

18. Joel 1:13-20 All of Judah were commanded to come to the Temple praying and fasting.

19. 2:1-11 Like Obadiah, it is difficult to date Joel. Some place it around B.C. 710. Assyria had a greater army than Babylon and lasted many more generations (2:2).

20. 2:1-11 Northern Israel is not mentioned in Joel but a prophesied return from captivity dates it around B. C. 586.

21. Joel 2:12-27 Yes. 2nd Kings 19:35-36 and Isaiah 37:36 are possible fulfillments of this prophecy.

22. Acts 2:16-21 Peter said this prophecy was fulfilled at the time of Christ’s death, burial, resurrection and Passover.

23. Joel 2:27-32 The principle (hermeneutic) is that of multiple fulfillments. Compare “Out of Egypt have I called my son”(Mt 2:15).

24. “The day of the LORD” occurs 29 times in Scripture: O. T. 25x; Isaiah 4x; Joel 5x. It is when God intercedes in human history to punish sin and sinners. This could include either His O. T. people (Israel), the enemies of O. T. Israel, disobedient humanity (2 Pet 3:10) or even the sin-bearing Son of God (Acts 2:20; 2 Cor 5:21).

25. Joel 3:1-21 It is possible that (1) 2:27-31 refers to Calvary/Pentecost (Acts 2:16-20), (2) Joel 2:32/Acts 2:21 refers to the Gospel/Church Age and Joel 3:1-21 refers to the Tribulation and Millennium. Zechariah 13:8-9 and all of Zechariah 14 depict God punishing both His people and their enemies.

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