GALATIANS 1 – 3 AND 4 – 6


GALATIANS 1 – 3 AND 4 – 6


GALATIANS 1 – 3, Teacher Russell Earl Kelly, PHD

Victory Baptist Church Bible Institute, Washington, Ga

Year 2, Semester 1

1:1 What accusation does Paul confront in the very first verse? __________ ________.

2. 1:2 Where is Galatia? _________________________________

3. 1:6 What is Paul angry about? ________________________________

4. 1:7 Name three groups opposing Paul? ________________________________.

Which is the worst? _________ ______

5. 1:8-9 Whom did Paul personally curse twice? _____ ___ _____ ___ ______

6. 1:11 What did Paul certify to be true? ____ ______ ___ __________

7. 1:12-19 What is the difference between general and special revelation? ________________________________

8. 2:1 How long elapsed between the time Paul was saved and the time he began his first missionary journey?__________________

9. 2:2-5 Was Titus ever circumcised? ___

10. 2:6-10 Which single command did (good) Jewish Christians request Paul to place upon Gentile converts? _________ _____ ________

11. 2:11-18 What is the most important reason Paul was angry with Peter? _______________________________.

12. Being dead to the law enables Christians to live under a higher standard of conduct. Write Romans 8:2 _________________________________

13. 2:20 Since sanctification is not by faith alone, Dr. Kelly believes this verse is about Christ living ___________ in us because of ___________ ___ ______.

14. Gal 2:21 I do not frustrate the grace of God: for if righteousness come by the law, then Christ ___ ______ ___ ______.

15. 3:1 Christians who change their minds about the basics of justification by faith are __________.

16. 3:2-7 Spiritually speaking, when is a Christian “made perfect”? _______________________________

How? ____________________________(v6-7)

17. 3:10 How does this verse describe “the law”?

18. 3:10 Does this mean we are not under the Ten Commandments? ____, ___ ____________ ______ ____ ___

19. 3:11 Is Paul discussing justification or sanctification here? __________________

19. 3:13 One who believes he/she is justified by ______ __ ___ _____ is really _________ __ ___ ____.

20. 3:14-16 Why does Paul mention Gentiles and Abraham here? _____ ______ _____ _____ ____ ____ to be justified by it.

21. 3:15-18 How is Paul using the word “covenant” in these verses? _____ _____ ____ _________

22. 3:19 What is the key word in 3:19? _____ Think! Is this the whole law or only the judgments and statutes?

23. 3:23-25 Note: In 1611 a “schoolmaster” was not a “teacher.” What was the function of the household child-tutor slave regarding education? ______ ________ ____ _________

24. 3:28 As Christians in the Body of Christ, our national identity, our rank in society and our physical sex spiritually __________ in importance to God.

25. 3:29 Which of the following is true? Those who are in Christ

(a) are spiritual Jews

(b) are spiritual Israelites

(c) are spiritual descendants of Abraham and heirs to the promises God gave him.


ANSWERS: Galatians 1-3

1. 1:1 false apostleship1

2. 1:2 Asia Minor of Paul’s 1st journey

3. 1:6 They have so soon rejected his teachings.

4. Unconverted Jews, converted Jews, the Roman government; Christian Jews

5. Those who preach a different gospel from what Paul preached.

6. Paul certified that the gospel he preached did not come from man.

7. General revelation is received through nature, conscience and common sense. Special revelation can only be received directly from God. The Bible and gospel are special revelation.

8. At least 14 years

9. No

10. Remember the poor.

11. See 2:16. Peter contradicted his testimony about righteousness by faith. Compare Acts 10:47; 11:15-18; 15:7-11.

12. Write Romans 8:2

13. Vicariously, righteousness by faith

14. is dead in vain

15. Bewitched, influenced by demonic forces

16. A believer becomes perfect in the eyes of God at the moment of regeneration (the new birth); by the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ Gen 15:6.

17. 3:10 an indivisible whole. Is “the law” here only the judgments and statutes? Does the “book of the law” contain the Ten Commandments?

18. 3:10 yes, as thou salt nots for Israel

19. Works of the law; cursed by the law

20. They never were under the law

21. Last will and testament

22. 3:19 ‘til, until

23. Escort children to school; keep them going straight

24. 3:28 disappear

25. 3:29 (c) are spiritual descendants d heirs to the promises God gave him.


1. 4:1 Paul is still discussing chapter 3, verses ____, ____, and _____.

2. 4:4 Why was A. D. 27-30 ideal for Christ to come? A) ______ ______, b) _______ ________ _________ and, especially, _________ ________.

3. 4:4 Why did Jesus command healed lepers to show themselves to the priests? ___________________________

4. 4:5 When Jesus redeemed Hebrews under the law, whom also did He redeem? _____________________

5. 4:5-7 As already-__________ children of God, we call God ________.

6. 4:8-11 To whom is Paul speaking? __________

7. 4:10-11 What had Christian Pharisees convinced new Gentile convers to replace? _________________________ Are there holy days in the New Covenant after Calvary? _______ Why do we worship on Sunday? _____________________________

8. 4:8-20 Paul pleads with the Galatians as his children who loved him enough to have ________ ____ ______ _____ ______ for him (v15).

9. 4:21-31 As a slave-concubine Hagar (mother of Ishmael) was not able to conceive Abraham’s promised heir. Why does Paul tell this allegory?

10. 5:1 Which C. H. Spurgeon does Dr. Kelly use to impress this text? ___________

11. 5:2-3 Does Paul treat Genesis 17 as part of the law? ______ Compare Lev 12:3.

12. 5:4 What does “fallen from grace” mean in this context? ________________________________

13. 5:5-6 What is another word for “righteousness”? ______________ What motivates the believer who is “in Jesus Christ”? _________

14. 5:12-13 How does Paul’s flesh fight against this spirit here? ______________________________

15. 5:14 Why is Paul not teaching obedience to the statutes of the law here? ______________________________

16. 5:19-21 Do you think that somebody who habitually commits these sins has ever been saved? _________

17. 5:22-24 The greater “law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus” (Rom 8:2) has replaced the ____ _____ _____ of the Old Covenant law. This is evidence of justification by faith. Compare 2 Cor 5:17.

18. 5:25 to 6:18 How is it evident that Paul has now switched to a discussion of sanctification and Christian walk. ____________________________

19. 6:1-18 list the action verbs in chapter 6. Restore (1), bear (2), prove (4), bear (5), communicate (6), sow (7), reap (7), well doing (9), do good (10), walk (16), bear (17)

20. 6:2 What is “the law of Christ”? ____________________________

21. What is the difference between 6:2 and 6:5? _____________________________

22. 6:6 Does this text teach a giving principle? _______

23. 6:11 What is Paul hinting at here? __________ _________

24. 6:12-13 If one is circumcised to keep the law and breaks it in another commandment, what happens to his circumcision? ____________

25. 6:15 Why should Christians obey Christ? _______________________

26. 6:16 Who are the “Israel of God”? _________ __________ Compare Romans 2:28-29; 9:6-8



1. 23, 24, 25

2. Roman roads, Roman postal system, Roman Peace, one language (Greek)

3. The whole law was still in effect.

4. Everybody else.

5. 4:5-7 adopted; daddy, daa-daa

6. 4:8-11 Gentiles, us

7. A. Replace pagan weekly, monthly, seasonal and yearly hold days with Christian ones. There are no holy days in the New Covenant. The church chose to honor the resurrection on Sunday.

8. Plucked out your own eyes

9. Law-keeping cannot produce spiritual children.

10. Colossians 2:1-12

11. Yes. It was a commandment of Go.

12. 5:4 Since nobody is “justified by the laW,” it cannot refer to those who have already been “justified by faith.” It must mean “fallen from grace as a means of justification or a means of becoming saved.” Compare Romans 5:1-2.

13. Justification; love

14. His flesh wants to get even and kill

15. Love goes beyond the letter of the law to its underlying spirit and morality.

16. No, but I should not judge others.

17. Thou shalt nots

18. Paul now gives us things to DO other than believe (faith).

19. List action verbs of sanctification

20. “The law of Christ” is love. Compare 1 Cor 9:21; Mt 5:44; 22:37, 39; Jn 13:34, 35; Jn 14:15; Rom 13:10; Gal 5:22; 1 Jn all

21. Bear heavy weight; bear portion

22. Yes. Sharing with our Bible teachers.

23. Poor vision

24. Null and void; it doesn’t exist spiritually

25. New creature, new creation, new nature
26. Christian Hebrews; Christian Jews

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