


3rd year, 1st semester, Russell Earl Kelly, PHD


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1. Approximately what time period is covered from the beginning of the Exodus to the end of Deuteronomy?

2. Why did the descendants of Joseph change from special guests to slaves in Egypt? (Ex 1:8)

3. Why did Pharaoh’s daughter raise Moses as her own child? Give spiritual and historical reasons.

4. What do Moses and Paul have in common?

5. Which member of the Godhead spoke to Moses out of the burning bush? (Ex 3:14; Jn 8:58)

6. Why did God keep on adding more and more plagues to Egypt?

7. Which 3 New Covenant doctrines of the Church are typified in Exodus?

8. Exodus 12:13 is one of the most important verses in the Bible. Memorize and be prepared to quote the middle portion.

9. What kind of covenant was the Law? (Ex 19:5-6)

10. Was the Law given for the purpose of salvation (justification)? (Rom 3:21; Gal 3:19, 21; Heb 7:13).

11. Define “Law” three different ways.

12. What were the judgments of the law? (Exodus 21-24 and mixed throughout the Pentateuch.

13. What were the statutes/ordinances of the law? (Exodus 25, all of Leviticus and mixed throughout the Pentateuch.

14. When did God change His purpose for every Hebrew to be a priest before Him? (Compare Ex 19:5-6 with Exodus 32:26.)

15. Which part of the Law is found almost totally in Leviticus?

16. What kind of sacrifice was the whole burnt offerings? (Lev 6:9+++)

17. What kind of sacrifices were the sin and trespass offerings? (Lev 4:3 +++)

18. What did the priest do after innocent blood had been shed for the sin and trespass offerings?

19. Finish this sequence: New Moon, Weekly Sabbath, Festival Sabbaths _________ _______ and __________ _______.

20. What was the purpose of the unclean food laws?

21. What are the literal biblical contents of the holy tithe (Lev 23:30-34)?



1. Best theory: 1490-50 B. C.

2. Ex 1:8 Now there arose up a new king over Egypt, which knew not Joseph.

3. (1) It was part of God’s plan for deliverance. (2) Egypt tried to kill all male Hebrew babies (Ex 1:15 to 2:10).

4. Both were highly educated; both required a long period of re-education before God could use them.

5. Probably Jesus. The title, YHWH (LORD), often refers to either the Father or the Son and sometimes to both (Jn 8:58; Ps 110:1)

6. Pharaoh kept changing his mind about releasing Israel.

7. Justification by faith (Passover); baptism (Red Sea crossing), sanctification (Law)

8. Ex 12:13b When I see the blood I will pass over you.

9. conditional

10. No.

11. (1) Indivisible covenant of commandments, judgments and ordinances (Lev 26:15); (2) the revealed will of God (in Hebrew or Gentile context—Rom 1:18-20; 2:14-16); (3) the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus (Rom 8:2)

12. Judgments were the punishment of willful sins by the judges of Israel (Ex 21- 24). Since violation of most of the Ten Commandments resulted in a death penalty, these sins were only brought to the judges.

13. Statutes/ordinances were the ceremonial worship laws, They included instructions on building the sanctuary, priestly laws, sacrificial instructions and unclean food. The priests ministered sins of ignorance and accidental sins.

14. Only Levi crossed the line to be on Moses’ side during the golden calf incident.

15. Leviticus is almost totally the ceremonial worship statutes, or ordinances, of the law. Like the Ten Commandments, violation was sin and required a sacrifice or punishment.

16. Whole burnt offerings were also sweet savor offerings upon which no sins wee confessed. Like the Passover Lamb, they represented Christ’s sinlessness.

17. Sin and trespass offering atoned for sins of ignorance and accident which were confessed over them. They represented Christ as our Substitute dying for our sins.

18. The priest shall make an atonement for them (Lev 4:20+++) (Rom 3:25; Heb 9:15)

19. Sabbath years, Jubilee Sabbath (Lev 25)

20. The holiness laws reminded Israel that it was to be set apart (sanctified) and holier than the rest of humanity. (Lev 20:1-7)

21. From 16 texts which describe the holy tithe, it is always only food from inside God’s holy land of Israel which God had miraculously increased. Though money was common, money is never included in any description of the tithe. Jesus, Peter and Paul did not qualify as tithe payers.

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