Gospels, Test 12, Step 52G-52V, P260-262

116. Mt 21:43 The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a

nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. Step 52G, p260

a. Israel is no longer involved in prophecy.

b. The spiritual nation of the Church completely replaced God’s

promises to national Israel

c. The kingdom will be restored to national Israel during the

Millennial Reign of Christ in Revelation 20.

d. The Church Age forever ended Israel’s role in prophecy.

117. Mt 22:23 when the Pharisees questioned Jesus’ authority. Step


a. Jesus asked them about John the Baptist’s authority

b. The Pharisees refused to answer Jesus.

c. Jesus refused to answer the Pharisees.

d. all of the above

118. Mt 22:23-32 when the Sadducees questioned Jesus about the resurrection.

Step 52R

a. Jesus said the question was illogical because believers never die

(and will know the answer before the resurrection).

b. Jesus agreed that we will not know the answer until the


c. “I am the God of the living” refers to the resurrection

d. Sadducees strongly believed in the resurrection

e. a and c

119. Mt 22:36 when asked which is the greatest commandment. Step 52S,


a. Jesus quoted the Ten Commandments

b. Jesus’ answer widens the meaning of “Law” to include Deut 6:5

and Lev 19:18.

c. Dr. Kelly: “law” means “the revealed will of God”

d. For O. T. Hebrews “the revealed will of God” meant the entire

Old Testament.

e. b, c and d

120. Mt 22:41 Jesus asked the Pharisees what they thought of Christ. Step


a. They gave the same answer as Peter

b. They knew Messiah was the Son of David

c. Jesus used Ps 110:1 and Daniel 7:13 out of context

d. b and c

121. Mt 23:2 what does “the Pharisees sit in Moses’ seat” imply? Step 52T,


a. The people had allowed them to do so

b. The people had obligated themselves to obey the Pharisees’ false


c. Pharisees had God’s permission to mix tradition into God’s Word

d. a and b

122. Mt 23:9-10 Is it wrong to call your pastor “Reverend”? Step 52U5;


a. No, most churches do.

b. Yes, “reverend” is only attributed to God in the Bible

c. Yes, but tradition is more important than the Bible

d. Yes, pastors are necessary intercessors as priests between

believers and God

123. Mt 23:16; 7:11 “Corban: a gift to God; Step 52U10, p261

a. allows believers to ignore responsibilities to care for elderly


b. in 1 Timothy 5:8 the church comes first; our necessities come


c. sounds righteous and holy because it is not evil

d. none of the above

124. Mt 23:33-38 when Jesus wept over Jerusalem; Step 52V;p262

a. He knew God had finally given up working with Israel

b. He knew many long centuries of sorrow were about to follow for


c. He was saying His final “good-bye” to the first century city

d. b and c

125. Does Mt 23:39 explain Mt 21:43? Step 52v; p262

a. Yes, “until” means that Israel will someday accept its Redeemer

and Messiah.

b. No, the majority of churches which teach that the Church

replaced national Israel as spiritual Israel are correct.

c. a and d

d. Yes, but Revelation 20 gives details


GOSPELS, TEST 13; 52W-52LL, P262-264

126. THE WIDOW’S MITE, MK 12:42; LK 21:1; 52W

a. shows that even the poorest can give something

b. is an example of sacrificial freewill giving.

c. is an example of giving to the best of one’s ability

d. all of the above
127. Jesus’ Prayer in JOHN 12:27-32 ; 52Y

a. his humanity wanted to avoid the burden of all sin

b. He could have changed His mind

c. He forgot that He was the “Lamb slain from foundation of the


d. a and b

128. Matthew 24; Mark 13; Luke 21 (see Wilmington); 52CC

a. the same signs precede 2 different events

b. Luke 21:20-24 describes the AD70 destruction of Jerusalem; the

Roman general is a type of Antichrist

c. Matthew 24 and Mark 13 describe the future destruction of

Jerusalem; using 167BC Antiochus Epiphanes as a type of


d. all of the above

129. Matthew 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21; Step 52CC

a. all end with the second coming of Christ in glory at the end of

the tribulation to rescue and redeem Israel

b. only describe AD70 as Preterists teach

c. only describe the end of the world as many teach

d. describe the same event throughout

130. MT 25:1-10; 10 VIRGINS AT WEDDING; Step 52EE; p262

a. 5 believers fell from grace at the last moment

b. is an allegory; it depicts unbelievers having the Holy Spirit

c. there are lost persons among the saved who will be exposed

when Jesus returns.


a. teaches works-salvation

b. must only refers to nations

c. is easy to explain

d. must refer to how nations treat Israel (Gen 12:3)

132. The Lord’s Supper; Step 52KK; p263

a. is essential for salvation as Catholics and Lutherans teach

b. must be observed the first Sunday of every month

c. teaches that Jesus will return

d. is to be given to everybody present and requires no spiritual



a. is commanded and should be practiced today

b. is found in all four Gospels

c. teaches the difference between justification by faith and a daily

need of sanctification

d. has no teaching value

134. JN 14:1-31 HEAVEN; INDWELLING SPIRIT; 52LL; p264

a. is the first reference to the rapture of the Church in the Bible

b. O.T. Israel and N.T. Christians have the same promise of heaven

c. contains no new revelation from God

d. does not contribute to the Trinity debate

135. John 14:1-13 (52LL, p265

a. “Commandments” specifically refers to the Ten Commandments.

b. The Holy Spirit will be the same kind of Comforter as Jesus.

c. The Holy Spirit will teach things which Jesus did not teach

d. all of the above

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ GOSPELS, TEST 14, STEPS 53-72, p265-277

136. JOHN 15, VINE-BRANCHES; 53A, P265

a. Christ is disciplining believers; our branches are pruned off our body

b. Christ is the vine; believers are only the branches

c. unfruitful believers risk physical death (being cut off)

d. b and c

137. JOHN 16: HOLY SPIRIT AND SIN; 53B; P265

a. “the revealed will of God” fully resides in Jesus Christ

b. “sin” that condemns eternally is failure to believe in Jesus

c. in John 16:13-14 the Holy Spirit is a neutral pronoun

d. a and b

138. JOHN 17, LORD’S PRAYER; 53B, P265

a. This is the “Lord’s Prayer” for intercession

b. The prayer in Matthew 6 is the real Lord’s Prayer

c. Any prayer to Jesus is a Lord’s Prayer

d. Any prayer by Jesus is THE Lord’s Prayer

139. GETHSEMANE; ALL 4 Gospels; 53U, P267

a. Jesus’ arrest was to be a public spectacle for all to see

b. God forced every knee to bow to Christ

c. the soldiers were Levite temple guards

d. each of the 4 gospels contributes conflicting details


a. Night trials were illegal.

b. The witnesses contradicted each other

c. No valid charges were made against Jesus

d. Jesus should have been given legal representation

e. all of the above

141. In Mt 26:63; the high priest forced Jesus to testify against Himself; 55C, p267

a. by reminding Him that he was the high priest

b. by swearing an oath in the name of the living God

c. by reminding Jesus that Messiah would cast off the Roman Empire

d. by ripping his priestly garment (which was illegal)

142. In Matthew 26:64 Jesus stated that He was God; 55D, p267

a. by quoting and applying Ps 110:1 and Daniel 7:13 to Himself

b. replying “I am” had no significance

c. by promising to defeat Rome for the Jews

d. Jesus never said He was God


a. there are only 3 individual denials in Scripture

b. The Bible errs because there are more than 3 individual denials

c. Peter denied Jesus several times on 3 separate occasions

d. the contradictions cannot be reconciled


a. this was an illegal attempt to legitimize the illegal night trial

b. the high priest again forced Jesus to testify against Himself

c. the High Sanhedrin all agreed that Jesus must die

d. all of the above


a. Luke 22:3 Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve.

b. Matt 27:3 Then Judas, which had betrayed him, when he saw that he was condemned, repented himself, and brought again the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and elders,

c. Mark 14:21 The Son of man indeed goeth, as it is written of him: but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed! good were it for that man if he had never been born.

146. PILATE’S FIRST TRIAL, John 18:28-38; Step 56A; P268

a. Pilate did not want to let the Jews get him in trouble with Caesar.

b. Pilate never accepted Christ’s guilt.

c. Pilate seemed amused and entertained

d. The Jews brought no legal accusation

e. all of the above

147. LUKE 23; HEROD AGRIPPA; Step 57A; P269

a. Herod was ruler of Galilee

b. Herod wanted Jesus to entertain him with a miracle

c. a and b

d. Herod Agrippa was ruler of all Palestine and Israel

…………………………………………………………………………GOSPELS TEST #15, Steps 58-66, Pages 270-274

148. PILATE SECOND TRIAL; ALL 4; Step 58; P270

a. washing his hands cleared Pilate of guilt before God

b. Pilate yielded rather than get in trouble with Caesar

c. Jesus was guilty of trying to replace Caesar

d. pagan Rome is totally responsible for the death of Jesus

149. CRUCIIFIXION; Steps 59-60; p270-272

a. Jesus was beaten twice

b Jesus was beaten once

c. It depends upon where one inserts John’s account into the narrative

150. VINEGAR AND WINE; LUKE 23:27-31; compare Jn 19:29; Step 60D2; P 270

a. Jesus received pain killers only once

b. Jesus received pain killers twice

c. Jesus received pain killers twice but refused them the first time

151. LK 23:34A FATHER, FORGIVE THEM; Step 60J; P270

a. Nobody will be held guilty of killing Jesus

b. The lost are lost for the sin of not believing in Christ as Savior

c. All believers are guilty of killing Jesus

d. a and b

a. Jesus descended into the Paradise of Hades that same day; Lk 23:43

b. Wrong. Paradise has always been in heaven

c. Wrong. “Paradise” belongs to the previous statement as SDAs teach

d. Jesus’ soul ascended to the Father when He died


a. For 3 hours the Father could not look upon the Son because Jesus was

bearing all sins of all time (2 Cor 5:21; Heb 9:26))

b. A loving God would not do that

c. Jesus did not volunteer before the world was created (Rev 13:8)

d. a and c
154. JOHN 19:30 IT IS FINISHED; Rom 8:1-2; 10:4; Heb 7:18; 60W; P271

a. the O.T. Law ended; the N.T. “law” began (Rom 8:2)

b. the statutes/ordinances and judgements ended; the commandments remained

c. only that part of the O.T. which was a shadow of Christ ended

d. the law remains; now Gentiles are to observe all of the law

155. THE TEMPLE VEIL SPLIT; MT 27:51; Mk 15:58; LK 23:45; 60Z2; P271

a. indicating that the O.T. Law is now for Gentiles also

b. indicating that all believers are priests with direct access to God

c. only laws which separated Jew from Gentile ended

d. indicating that the temple will be destroyed 40 years later in AD 70

156. GRAVES OPENED; SOME CAME OUT; Mt 27:52-53; Step 60Z3-4; P271

a. This is unimportant; only Matthew recorded it

b. These were dead unbelievers who gave friends a second chance to be saved

c. There were firstfruits and guaranteed the resurrection of our bodies

d. Nobody in town recognized them as dead believers.


a. this was done to prevent escape as some teach

b. this was done to probably several hundred as was common

c. this was done to bring about almost immediate death before Sabbath began

d. b and c

158. GUARDS REQUESTED; MATTHEW 27; Step 61I; p272

a. the Jews feared the body would be stolen

b. soldiers should have died for losing the body

c. a mystery surrounds why the soldiers were not punished

d. all of the above

159. Matthew blends two visits by the women into one visit; 65A; P273

a. probably

b. no

c. most scholars disagree with Wilmington and say “yes”

160. What are the details of Peter seeing Jesus? Step 66I; P274

a. the gospels answer the question in Lk 24:34

b. Paul tells us in 1 Cor 15:4-5

c. the details are not revealed

d. a and b


List 3 named individuals who saw Jesus after His resurrection and list 4 groups who saw him with a group of 3 or more; 67-72

Mary, Peter, Cleopas

All women; all in upper room; 11 in upper room; 500 at one time

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