Victory Baptist Church Bible Institute

3rd year, 2nd semester


This is a faith ministry. Your assistance is appreciated.

1. 1:1-2 What is the date of Ezekiel and under which major world power?

2. 1:1, 3 Who was Ezekiel and where was he?

3. 1:4-13 Describe the faces of the 4 creatures on God’s throne:

4. 2:1 What does God call Ezekiel?

5. 2:9 to 3:3 Why is the scroll of lamentations good and sweet to eat?

6. 3:17-22 What would happen to Ezekiel if he did not warn the wicked?

7. 4:5-6 What do the 390 and 40 days Ezekiel lay on his side represent?

8. 5:1-5 How will God destroy the residents of Jerusalem?

Chapter 6 is about the continuing punishment of northern Israel since 722 B. C.

Chapter 7 is punishment of the whole land of Israel (and Judah).

9. 8:10-16 What did Ezekiel see in vision inside the Temple?

10. 9:3 Where did the glory of God move to and from?

11. 9:4 How does this mark in the foreheads differ from that in Revelation 13?

Chapter 10 is a second description of the throne of God.

12. 11:16-21 is the first time in Ezekiel that God promises _________________.

Chapters 11-15 are more punishment with only 14:22-23 offering restoration.

13. 16 What is this similar to in the New Testament?

14. 16:48-51 What regions have not sinned as bad as Jerusalem?

Chapter 17 is a riddle about the blessings, fall and restoration of Israel and Judah.

Chapter 18 is about each man being accountable for his own sins.

Chapter 19 is more punishment.

Chapter 20 rehearses God’s redemption of Israel from Egypt until now.

Chapter 21 God’s sword will destroy and there will be no king over Jerusalem “until he come whose right it is; and I will give it him.”

Chapter 22 is more sin and punishment.

Chapter 23 Israel (Samaria) and Judah are God’s two adulterous daughters.

Chapter 24 a final siege begins

15: 24:16-27 Why was Ezekiel not allowed to mourn the death of his wife?

Chapter 25 is against the Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites and Philistines.

Chapters 26-28 are prophecies against Tyre and Sidon.

16. 28 The King of Tyre also fits the description of ______________. List two other characteristics ______________ and _________________.

Chapters 29-31 are prophecies against Egypt.

17. 32:22-32 Describes hell (Sheol) as a pit for the wicked. What does verse 31 teach?

Chapter 33:1-20 reminds Ezekiel of his watchman duties to Israel and Judah.

18. 33:21 What news reached the captives in Babylon?

Chapter 34 is against the leaders of Israel; God will restore it to His shepherd.

Chapter 35 is against Mt Seir (Edom) and it will be perpetually desolate.

NOTE: Chapters 38-48 are about the future restoration of Israel and Judah following invasions.

19. 36:21-23, 32-33 Why will God unconditionally restore His people, Israel?

20. 36:24-31 Under which covenant will Israel return to its land to stay?

Chapter 37 is the valley of dry bones; it symbolizes the restoration of Israel, the final rebuilding of the Temple and David reigning over them.

21. 38 The latter-years’ invaders of Israel will be led by Gog, Magog, Meshech and Tubal (:2). They will lead Persia, Ethiopia, Libya and many others (v2-6). What is remarkable about this prophecy?
22. 38:11 Does “unwalled villages” tell us when this prophecy will be fulfilled?

Chapter 39 describes the destruction of Gog and Magog and their allies followed by 7 years of burying before the Millennium.

Chapters 40-48 describe in great detail the Messianic Millennial kingdom.

23. 43:10-11 Why did God describe the future temple to Israel?

24. 44:9 What is the opposite of this verse?

Chapters 47-48 are about the divisions of the land.

25. 48:10-16 defines permanent land for the priests and Levites. What change would this make in the law?



1. 1:1-2 604 B. C. Jehoiachin had been inserted as king by the Egyptians after they had killed his father, Josiah, in battle. The Babylonians replaced him with Jehoiachin after 3 months as king.

2. 1:1, 3 Ezekiel was a priest among the choice captives taken to Babylon during the first deportation in 608 B. C.

3. 1:10; 10:14 Ezekiel must be facing north. Each had 4 different faces: Man nearest; lion on the right; ox on the left, eagle facing away. These are the same as the banners in Numbers 2 and the creature in Revelation 4:7

4. Son of man

5. It is the words of God

6. God will hold him accountable and punish him.

7. 4:5-6 Ezekiel acted out the fall of Jerusalem by digging in the sand. The 390 and 40 days represented years of sin by Israel and Judah.

8. 5:1-5, 12 A third will die from disease, famine and fire, a third by sword and a third will be scattered into captivity followed by more deaths by the sword.

9. 8 He saw northern Israel’s idols of unclean animals, women weeping of r Tammuz and men facing east worshipping the sun.

10. 9:3 The glory of God left the Most Holy Place and stood at the entrance of the Temple.

11. 10:4 They are opposite.

12. 11:16-21 restoration

13. 16 The parable of the Good Samaritan. Notice that God is not against jewelry.

14. 16 Sodom and Samaria (N Israel)

15. 24:21 Ezekiel is a sign; God will profane the sanctuary, “the desire of their eyes” and they will not mourn.

16. 28 Lucifer; called the anointed cherub that covers; he said I am God

17. 33:16 consciousness in hell

18. Jerusalem had fallen to Babylon, 586 B. C.

19. 36:21-23 for His holy name’s sake; for the integrity of His promise and oath by Himself

20. 36:24-29 The New Covenant. They will be saved and have the Holy Spirit indwelling the heart.

21. 38:2-6 While this may refer to Russia (the Scythians in the Taurus mountains) it deliberately does not refer to Babylon or Persia.

22. 38:11 After Antichrist disarms Israel with a 7 year peace covenant (Dan 9:26-27; Zech 14; Rev 16:16).

23. 43:10-11 God showed Israel what could be theirs soon if they repented and obeyed him. After Calvary the Temple system would be a memorial of Calvary.

24. 44:9 Strangers who have been circumcised in the heart can enter.

25. 48:10-15 If they had a permanent land inheritance, they would not receive a tithe in its place.

Table of Contents