1. List 3 kings who ruled over all Israel.

1. Saul, David, Solomon (1050-930 B. C.)

2. What time period is covered by Kings?

2. 1010 BC under David to 586 BC — the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon.

3. What is the difference between God’s promises to King Saul and King David (2 Samuel 7:1-22)?

3. Saul’s were conditional; David’s were unconditional

4. Why was David not allowed to build the Temple?

4. He had blood from wars on his hands. (1 Kings 5:3; 1 Chron 17, 18)

5. What are the [approximate] years of King David’s reign?

5. David reigned from 1010 to 970 BC

6. What was happening in the rest of the biblical world between Joshua and Solomon?

6.At least for Israel, there was a power vacuum with no major power invaded.

7. Which nation sacked Jerusalem soon after Solomon died?

7. Egypt, Pharaoh Shishak (1 Kings 14:25)

8. Why was there a civil war after Solomon died and when? (1 Kg 12:8-10).

8.In 930 B. C. the people wanted tax relief; Rehoboam ignored sage advice and increased taxes.

9. What did King Jeroboam of Israel do in 930 BC to maintain strong borders against Judah? (1 Kings 12:27-31)

9. Jeroboam built temples in Dan and Ephraim with two golden calves to worship to keep his people from Jerusalem.

10. What were the golden calves named? (1 Kings 12:28)

10. Yahweh, Jehovah

11. Of 23 kings of northern Israel, how many were good and served Yahweh (Jehovah)?

11. none

12. What were two minor enemies of southern Judah before 700 BC?

12. N. Israel and Syria (Damascus) See Isaiah 7-9 and 2 Kings 16:7-9.

13. What were two major enemies of Israel and Judah which may have collected tribute after Solomon’s death?

13. Egypt and Assyria

14. When did Assyria carry away most of northern Israel?

14. 722 B. C. (2 Kings 17:6-23)

15. Who were the inhabitants of northern Israel afterwards?

15. Samaritans; half-breeds from Assyria and Israel (2 Kgs 17:24-34).

16. What were the Baalim and the Asherim? 1 Kg 18:18; 2 Kg 17:29

16.Thousands of totem-pole idols to pagan gods (Baal and Ashteroth) on all high places (grooves). “El Elyon” was also a pagan title.

17. Which nation probably replaced Egypt as tribute-receiver after 700 B. C.?

17. Assyria

18. Who was Judah’s most evil king?

18. Manasseh (695-642 B. C.) (2 Chronicles 33) paid heavy tribute to Assyria with temple gold.

19. What deed qualified King Josiah as possibly Israel’s most righteous king (2 Kg 23:14)? Also Asa (911-859 B. C.) (2 Chron 14:3) and Hezekiah (2 Kg 18:4) (715-686 B. C.).

19. Josiah destroyed the high places (groves).

20. Why did King Josiah (640-609 B.C.) die fighting Egypt in 609 BC?

20. He probably has changed allegiance and tribute from Egypt to Assyria for protection.

21. What are the 70 years of Judah’s captivity in Babylon?

21. 608-539 B. C. (3 deportations: 608, 597, 586)



22. Who decided to allow Judah to return to its land and what is he called?

22. In 539 B. C. (2 Chron 36:22; Ezra 1:1) Cyrus the Great of Persia, Yahweh’s “shepherd: (Isa 44:28) and “anointed” (Isa 45:1), released Judah from slavery.

23. Which two deeds pre-occupied Ezra and Nehemiah?

23. In 457 B. C. Ezra’s passion was to complete the new temple (Ezra 6); In 444 B. C. Nehemiah’s passion was to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem (Neh 2; Daniel 9:24-25). Both returned with Jews from Babylon.

24. How does the Old Testament end?

24. Malachi 4:6 ends the O. T. with the word “curse.”

25. Which nation ruled Israel for approximately 100 years before Rome conquered it?

25.From 164 B. C. until 64 B. C. Israel was self-ruled under the Maccabees and Hasmodeans.

APRIL 15, 2018


1 Saul 1050-1010 BC (Samuel) (1 Sam 9 to 2 Sam 1) Samuel/Gad

2. David 1010-970 BC (2 Sam 2 to 1 Kg 2; 1 Chronicles all) Nathan/Gad

3. Solomon 970-930 BC (1 Kings 2 to 11; 2 Chron 1 to 9)


4. Rehoboam 931-913 BC (1 Kg 11-14:31; 2 Chron 10:1) Shemaiah/Iddo

Egypt under Shishak looted Temple; 14:25-26

4. Jeroboam 931-909 BC civil war (1 Kg 12:27-29; 2 Chr 10) s Ahijah/Man of God/Iddo

5.Abijam/Abijah/Abia 913-910 BC (1 Kg 14:31 to 15:8)(Chron 0)

6 ASA 911-859 BC temple gold to bribe Syria (1 Kg 15: 1-8; 2 Chron 16) Azariah/Hanani

5. Nadab 910-908 BC (co-regent with Baasha) (1 Kg 15:25)

6. BAASHA 909-886 BC (1 Kg 15:16; 2 Chron 16?) Jehu

7. JEHOSHAPHAT 873-848 BC (1Kg 15:23; 2 Chron 17) ELIJAH/Jehaziel/Eliezer

7. Elah 886-885 BC (1 Kg 16:6) (Chron 0) killed by Zimri

8. Zimri 885 BC (1 Kg 16:8-20) 7 days

9. Tibni 885-881 BC (I Kg 16:21-22) civil war; killed by Omri

10. Omri 885-874 BC (1 Kg 16:25-28) civil war ELIJAH 875-848 BC

11. Ahab 874-853 BC (1 Kg 16:29; 2 Chron 18:1) ELIJAH

12. Ahaziah 853-852 BC (1 Kg 22:51; 2 Chron 20:35) ELIJAH

13. Joram/Jehoram 852-841 BC (2 Kg 8:16-24; 2 Chron 22?) ELISHA 848-797 (d 2 Kg 13)

8. Jehoram/Joram 853-841 BC (2 Kg 8:24; 2 Chron 21) ELISHA/OBADIAH? (840)

9. Ahaziah/Jehoahaz 841 BC (2 Kg 8:24; 2 Chron 22) ELISHA

14. JEHU 841-814 BC (2 Kg 9:1-2, 13-10:35) son of Jehoshaphat ELISHA

15. Jehoahaz 814BC (2 Kg 10:35) ELISHA

10. Athaliah 841-835 BC Queen (2 Kg 11; 2 Chron 22) ELISHA/Micaiah

16. JEHOASH 798 BC (2 Kg 13:10-11) (Chron 0) ELISHA

11. JOASH/Jehoash 833-795 BC (2 Kg 11:4 to 12:1; 2 Chron 23:1 to 24:2) ELISHA/JOEL

17. Jeroboam II 793-753 BC (2 Kg 13:2-14:29) (Chron 0) JONAH (785-775)/AMOS/HOSEA

12. AMAZIAH 796-767 BC (2 Kg 14:1-2; 2 Chron 25:1) ELISHA/JOEL

18. Zechariah 753 BC (2 Kg 14:29 to 15:11) reigned 6 months; killed by Shallum

13. UZZIAH/Azariah 790-740 BC (2 Kg 15; 2 Chron 26; Isa, Amos, Hos) JOEL, AMOS (760-750)/ISAIAH

19. Shallum 753 BC (2 Kg 15:10-15) one month); killed by Menahem HOSEA

20. Menahem 752-742 BC (2 Kg 15:14) (15:19 tribute Assyria) HOSEA 750-713

21. Pekahiah 742-740 BC (2 Kg 15:23-26) killed by Pekah ISAIAH/HOSEA

15.AHAZ 735-715 BC (2 Kg 15; 2 Chron 27) ISAIAH/MICAH

22. Pekah 752-742 BC (2 Kg 15:26 to 16:5; 2 Ch 28:6; Isa 7:1) HOSEA/MICAH

23. Hoshea 732-722 BC (2 Kg 15:30 to 18:10) (Chron 0) HOSHEA/MICAH 732-700 BC

14. Jotham 750-735 BC (2 Kg 15:32) ISAIAH (740-681)/MICAH

16. HEZEKIAH 715-686 BC (2 Kg 16; 2 Chron 29-32 all) Assyria repulsed ISAIAH (740-681)/MICAH

17. Manasseh 695-642 BC (2 Kg 21:1-18; 2 Chron 32:33 to 33:21) NAHUM

18. Amon 642 BC (2 Kg 21; 2 Chron 33:21-24) murdered by the people NAHUM

19. JOSIAH 640-609 BC (2 Kg 22; 2 Chron 34); died fighting Egypt NAHUM/ZEPHANIAH/HABAKKUK/JEREMIAH/Huldah

20. Johoahaz 609 BC (3 mo.; died in Egypt) (2 Kg 23:31-34; 2 Chron 36) JEREMIIAH 626-586 BC/HABAKKUK

21. Jehoiakim/Eliakim 609-597 BC evil (2 Kg 23:36; 2 Chron 36:5-8) JEREMIAH/HABAKKUK/DANIEL

22.Jehoiachin 597 BC (3 mo; 8 year siege) (2 Kg 24:6; 2 Chron 36:8) JEREMIAH/DANIEL

23. Zedekiah 597-586 (evil puppet king) (city fell 11th year of reign) JEREMIAH/EZEKIEL (595-571)/DANIEL

(2 Kg 24:17; 2 Chron 36:11) (blinded in Babylon)


LUKE 3:32-38 MARY’S




Adam [1]

Seth [2]

Enos [3]

Cainan [4]

Mahalaleel [5]

Jared [6]

Enoch [7]

Methusalah [8]

Lamech [9]

NOAH [10]       ***      FLOOD


Shem [11]

Arphaxad [12] 1:18

[Cainan Luke 3:36?]

Selah [13] 1 Chron 1:18

Heber [14]

Phalec [15] Peleg

Ragau/Reu [16]

Saruch/Serug [17]

Nachor/Nahor [18]

Thara/Terrah [19]

1 Abraham [20] *** 2000 BC Abraham EGYPT


2 Isaac [21]

3 Jacob [22]

4 Judah [23]

5 Phares [24]

6 Esrom [25] in Egypt

7 Aram [26] in Egypt

8 Aminadab [27]

9 Naasson [28]

10 Salmon [29] *** Rahab’s husband Enter Canaan

11 Boaz [30]

12 Obed [31]

13 Jesse [32]

14 David [33] (K2) 1010-970 BC

15 Solomon [34] (K3) Nathan (1 Chron 3:5) 970-930 BC


16 Rehoboam [35] (K4) Mattatha EGYPT DOMINANT

930 BC Menan (+1)

17 Abijah/Abia [36] (K5) Melea

18 Asa [37] (K6) 911 BC Eliakim

Jonan (+2)

19 Jehoshaphat [38] (K7) Joseph

20 Joram/Jehoram [39] (K8) Judah

21 Ahaziah/ [40] (K9) 841 Simeon

[Queen Athaliah] (K10) 841

Jehoahaz/Ozias 835

22 Joash/Jehoaash [41] (K11) Matthat 862 BC Assyria

Joathan Levi (+3)

23 Amaziah [42] (K12) 796 Jorim

24 Uzziah/Azariah [43] (K13) Elieze 722 BC Assyria

Jotham (K14) 750

Ahaz (K15) 735

25 Hezekiah [44] (K16) 715 Jose

Er (+4)

26 Manasseh [45] (K17) 695 Elmodam

27 Amon [46] (K18) 642 Cosam

Addi (+5)

28 Josiah [47] (K19) 630 Melchi Egypt vs Assyria

Jehoahaz (K20) (died in Egypt)

Jehoikim/Eliakim (K21) (1st seige) Daniel

29 Jechonia [48] (K22) Neri Ezekiel

to Babylon

Zedekiah (K23) 597-586 BC 586 BC Babylon


30 Salathiel [49] Saliethal

31 Zerrubabel [50] Zerubabbel 539 BC PERSIA

Reesa (+6)

32 Abiud [51] Joanna

Judah (+7)

33 Eliakim [52] Joseph

Semei (+8)

34 Azor [54] Matathias

Maath (+9)

35 Sadoc [55] Nagge

Esli (+10)

Nahum (+11)

36 Achim [56] Amos

Mattathias (+12)

37 Elius [57] Joseph

Janna (+13)

38 Eleazar [58] Melchi

Levi (+14)

39 Matthan [59] Matthat

40 Jacob [60] Heli


41 Joseph [61] of Mary

42 Jesus [62] called Christ. (k24) Matthew 1:16/Luke 3:23

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