Victory Baptist Church Bible Institute


3rd year, 2nd semester

This is a faith ministry. Your assistance is appreciated.

1. 1:1-4 Who was Daniel and when was it written?

2. 1:5-21 What happened after Daniel and his 3 friends ate only vegetables?

3. 2:30-48 Summarize the Babylonian king’s dream in 2 long sentences.
4. 2:44, 40-45 What significant prophecy is found in 2:44?

5. 3 Why do you think Nebuchadnezzar made the whole 66H x 6W image of himself of solid gold?

6. 3 What historical fact best validates the truth of the fiery furnace incident?

7. 4:25-37: What did God want Nebuchadnezzar to learn by turning him into an animal-like person?

8. 5:1-4 What did Belshazzar do that angered the LORD?

9. 5:29-31 After interpreting the handwriting on the wall, how long did Daniel become the third ruler in Babylon? Why?
10. 6:7-9 When King Darius of Persia wanted to make Daniel second in the kingdom, what did Daniel’s opponents do?

11. 6:15 What does the irreversible decree of Persian King Darius compare to in the Bible?

12. 6:19-26 Do you think King Darius was saved after God delivered Daniel from the lions’ den? Why, or why not?

Note: Chapter 7 must occur before chapters 5 and 6.

13. 7:13 Who do you think the “son of man” is?

14. 7:8, 19, 24, 25 What key element does the vision of Daniel 7 include that does not appear in Daniel 2?

15. 8:8-14 Who was Antiochus Epiphanes IV?

16. 8:8-14; 11 Mt 24:15 How did Jesus Christ use Antiochus Epiphanes IV?

17. 9:1-19 What was Daniel praying about? Did God answer his specific request about rebuilding the sanctuary?

18. 9:20-27 How did God (through Gabriel) reply to Daniel? Summary.

19. 9:26-27 How can there be a 2000 year gap between 9:26 and 9:27?

20. 10:7 What New Testament event does this sound like?

21. 10:13+ What kind of warfare is being described in this chapter?

22. 11:1-35 What do most theologians teach about these texts?

23. 11:36-45 What do most conservative fundamental Baptist theologians teach about these texts?

24. 12:4 What is unique about “knowledge shall be increased”?

25. 12:11-12 What do 1290 and 1335 days refer to?


1: 1:1-4 Daniel was one of the elite brought as slaves to Babylon during the first siege and captivity around 604 B. C.

2. 1:5-21 They were healthier, God gave them 10x more knowledge and th king promoted them above others.

3. 2:1-48 Five empires would follow Babylon and end with God establishing a kingdom on earth (Persia, Greece, Rome, Confederated Rome and God’s kingdom). History shows that these empires are limited to those which rule over Israel.

4. 2:44 God (through Messiah) will come during the time of a re-established confederated Roman Empire controls the territory of the former Roman Empire.

5. 3 all; Nebuchadnezzar did not think any kingdom would replace Babylon.

6. 3 all As a nation the Jews who returned from Babylon 70 years later were never tempted again to worship idols. Their idolatry was covetousness.

7 4:25, 26, 32, 37 God is in control of the events on earth (not Nebuchadnezzar).

8. 5:1-4 Belshazzar used the vessels from the Jerusalem temple at a banquet and praised the gods of gold, silver and brass.

9. 5:5-31. Never. The Medes and Persians captured the city that same night and killed Belshazzar.

10. 6:7-9 They tricked the king into signing a decree that any person worshipping any god other than Darius for 30 days should be killed.

11. 6:15 As a king, God’s unconditional covenant promises to Abraham concerning Israel cannot be revoked (Rom 11:29++++).

12. 6:19-26 It is possible. However Darius may have simply been adding the LORD to the pantheon of Medo-Persian kings and idols.

13. 7:13 Following Ezekiel, “the son of man” was an eschatological (last day) term for the Messiah which was greatly developed by sects such as the Essenes between 200 B. C. and Jesus’ time.

14. 7:8, 19, 24, 25 The spiritual little horn will control kingdoms associated with the Roman Empire in the last days.

15. 8:8-14 Antiochus Epiphanes IV was a Greek/Syrian/Seleucid king who defiled the temple in 168 B. C. and started a civil war which ended with Judean independence for about 100 years beginning in 165 B. C.

16. Dan 8:8-14; 11; Mt 24:15 Jesus used Antiochus as a type of the last-day antichrist who will destroy Jerusalem prior to Christ’s 2nd coming in glory.

17. 9:1-19 No. Daniel pleaded with God to remember His covenant with Abraham and restore Jerusalem and Judea from the 586 B. C. destruction and captivity.

18. 9:20-27 Following 483 prophetic years Messiah would be cut off (A. D. 30-33) and the city and sanctuary would be destroyed again (A. D. 70; 9:26). Yet another desolation of the temple will occur following a 3 1/2 covenant between an anti-Messiah person and Israel (9:27).

19. 9:26-27

9:26a the anointed one (Messiah) was cut off between A. D. 30-33.

9:26b Jerusalem and the Temple were destroyed in A. D. 70

9:27 “He” is the last day anti-Messiah who will make a 7 year covenant with Israel.

There is a necessary gap between 9:26b and 9:27

20. 10:7 See Acts 9:7 at Paul’s conversion.

21. 10:13+ spiritual warfare between good and evil angels. Compare Romans 8:38; Eph 3:10; 6:12; Col 1:16; 2:15; Titus 3:1.

22. 11:1-35 recap and expand chapter8. 11:5-35 describes the wars between the Greek Syrian Seleucids and Greek-controlled Egypt including. This period includes Antiochus Ephiphanes IV (168-165 B. C.).

23. 11:36-45 describes the last-day antichrist of 2 Thessalonians 2, Daniel 7 and Revelation 13.

24. 12:4 “Knowledge shall increase” must refer to knowledge about the sealed prophecies of Daniel.

25. 12:11-12 1290 and 1335 probably refer to events between the end the great tribulation and the beginning of the Messianic Millennial kingdom.

Table of Contents