1, 2, 3 JOHN; JUDE


1, 2, 3 JOHN; JUDE



 Bible Institute

2nd year, 2nd semester; Russell E Kelly

Donations Suggested for Reproduction

1. 1 John 1:1-3 Why is John so confident about what he writes?

2. 1:3-7 Which word is the key to understanding chapter 1?

3. 1:7-8 According to this chapter, is First John written to believers who are sinless? True or false?

4. 1:9 What happens to sins of ignorance which we forget to confess?

5. 1 John 2:1 Does this verse appear to teach that Christians should be sinless?

6. 2:3-6 THE PRINCIPLE OF JOHN’S EPISTLE: Believers ___________ walk (obey) and abide in Christ (v14). Unbelievers do not ____________ walk (obey) Christ — “keep His commandments.”

7. 2:19 True believers stay in fellowship with the Body of Christ. True or false?

8. 1 JOHN 3:2 What kind of bodies will resurrected saints have?

9. 3:4 As a principle, “law,” is the ___________, _____________ and ________ of God.

10. 3:6-9 Is it sufficient to explain these texts to mean that Christians do not willfully sin? Compare Pentecostal Holiness.

11. 3:14 Does this mean that true Christians habitually love fellow local church members — or all Christians?

12. 3:22 Which “commandments” are meant?

13. 4:1-3 Which early false doctrine are these texts referring to?

14. 4:7 Is it possible to fully understand this verse?

15. 4:18 Why should a Christian not fear what can happen?

16. 5:1 Compare Romans 10:9-10. Is believing Christ is God supernatural?

17. 5:7-8 Is the King James version wrong here?

18. 5:13 Why is the text extremely important to begin New Testament soul winning?

19. 5:16 What kind of sin did Moses commit which meant certain death?

20. 2 John 1 How many books of the Bible are addressed only to women?

21. 2 John 7-9 Which false doctrine is being addressed here?

22. 3 John 2 Does this constitute the basis for the “prosperity gospel” — God wants all Christians to be wealthy?

23. 3 John 9-10 Why was a previous letter of John not received well by the church?

24. Jude 4 What is Jude warning against? Compare Acts 20:29-30.

25. Jude 6 Where are all of the fallen angels? Compare 2 Peter 4:6



1. 1:1-3a John is an eyewitness

2. 1:3-10 fellowship (not a lost relationship)

3. 1:7-8 no; believers will sin until Christ returns (1 Cor 15:51-55)

4. 1:9 Not only does God forgive sins we confess, but He goes further to “cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

5. 2 John 2:1 no, otherwise an advocate would not be required

6. habitually, habitually

7. 2:19 false

8. bodies like Christ has after His resurrection

9. nature, character, will

10. 3:6-9 no

11. 3:14 all Christians

12. 3:22-24 (1) believe on Jesus Christ and (2) love the brethren

13. 4:1-3 Christian Gnosticism

14. 4:7 Barnes: Everyone who has true love for fellow Christians is a true Christian.

15. 4:18 This life is but a mist.

16. 5:1 Yes. It is a living faith.

17. The Johanine Comma; the italicized words are very rare.

1 John 5:7 For there are three [masculine] that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.(8) 8 And there are three that bear witness in earth, the spirit [neuter], and the water [neuter], and the blood [neuter]: and these three [masculine] agree in one.

(1) It appears in the 2nd century (A. D.. 100-200) Old Latin Bible; (2) It was quoted by Tertullian (d220), Cyprian (d284), Priscillian (d385), Eugenius (484), Vigilius (490), Cassiodorus (480-570) and Fulgentius (533). (3) The opposite loose ends do not match grammatically by gender. (4) Leading Greek scholars make no mention of the problem in their writings: Metzger, Vincent, Alford, Vine, Wuest, Bruce, Plummer. (5) The “One” in 5:8 refers back to the One in 5:7.

18: 5:13 It proves that it is possible to know for certain that one has already been saved.

19. 5:16 Willful, public, defiant

20. 2 John 1 one

21. 2 John 7-9 Christian Gnosticism; John 1:14

22. 3 John 2 no

23. 3 John 9-10 A controlling church member would not allow the letter to circulate.

24. Covetous false teachers who only want worldly gain.

25. Jude 6 All fallen angels have been “reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day.” Compare 2 Pet 2:4.

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