1 Thessalonians
Teacher: Dr. Russell E Kelly, 2nd year, 1st sem
1. Which very famous pagan landmark was Thessalonica near? __________________
2. 1:1 “In God” and “in the Lord Jesus Christ” refers to _______________ __ _______.
3. 1:4 “Election” refers to “them that ______ God” (Rom 8:28).
4. 1:6 Thessalonica was a ___________ church.
5. 1:8 The faith of the Thessalonian Christian was known______________.
6. 1:9 Thessalonica probably had no synagogue and its members were mostly __________.
7. 1:10 They were waiting for the return of Jesus to deliver them from _________.
8. 2:7, 11 Paul compared himself and his coworkers to __________ (v7) and ________(v11) with ____________.
9. 2:9 Paul and his fellow coworkers worked ______ and ________ rather than be ____________ to those whom they were trying to lead to Christ.
10. 2:12 The spiritual ___________ ___ _____ precedes the literal Messianic kingdom.
11. 2:14 Gentile Christians and _________ Christians are both ___ _______ ______ .
12. 2:15-16 Jews were ________ Paul and his coworkers from leading _________ to salvation. This brought more wrath of God on them.
13. 2:19-20 Who will receive a crown of rejoicing at Christ’s coming? ________ _________.
14. 3:3-4 Christians are appointed by God to be ______________ and _______________
15. 3:6 Paul had sent ___________ to Thessalonica; he returned with ______ ________ of their faith and love.
16. 3:12-13 Our sanctification (growth in holiness) is evident as we ________ and ________ in love. (also 4:9-12)
17. 4:3-8 Since _____________ had been a regular part of _________ worship, it receives special attention from Paul.
18. 4:13 The church in Thessalonica was worried about the eternal status of those who had _______ before (their expected) soon return of Christ.
19. 4:14 God will ________ the _______ of ___________ Christians back with him.
20. 4:15 Believers living when the Lord returns will _____ see Him before the _________ of _________ believers are _____________.
21. 4:14-16 Compare “God” (v14), “Lord” (v15) and “Lord,” “God” and “Christ” (v16). Are they the same? ______
22. 4:17 Where will Christ meet the living and resurrected saints at the Rapture of the Church? __ ____ ___ Compare Zech 14:4
23. 5:1-4 follows 4:14-17. The church in Thessalonica was not to be concerned about the events preceding Second Coming of Christ ___ __________.
24. 5:8 True Christians have already put on the ______________ of faith and love and the ______________ of salvation.
25. 5:9 “Wrath” is the judgment of God unmixed with ________ and _________. Compare 1:10.
1. Mt. Olympus
2. Justification by faith
3. love
4. persecuted (much affliction)
5. everywhere
6. idolaters
7. wrath
8. nurses, fathers, children
9. night, day, chargeable (responsible)
10. kingdom and glory
11. in Christ Jesus
12. forbidding, Gentiles
13. soul winners
14. afflictions, tribulation
15. good tidings
16. increase, abound
17. fornication (pagan temple prostitution), pagan (idol)
18. died (slept)
19. bring, souls, dead (sleeping)
20. not, bodies, dead (sleeping), resurrected
21. yes
22. in the air
23. in glory
24. breastplate, helmet
25. mercy, grace