Gospels, Test 7; Steps 31-37; P242-245

66. The Bible says that the first person into the pool of Bethesda after an angel stirred the waters was healed: Step 31; p242

a. God’s Word is true

b. This has got to be an error in the Bible.

c. God does not work that way

d. Even if this is a mistake, I still believe God’s Word concerning salvation
67. Dr. Kelly stressed this about John 5:24; Step 31B, p242

a. We cannot know for sure we have been saved.

b. We don’t cross our final bridge until death.

c. “Is passed” means in Greek “has already passed, is still passed

today, will always stay passed”

d. “It is appointed to man once to die, and after that the judgment”, Hebrews 9:27
68. When comparing John 5:25 with 5:29-30; Step 31B, p242

a. They both speak of the same event

b. 5:25 is a present event; 5:29-30 is a later event

c. What we do with Christ now determines what will happen later

d. b and c
69. Matthew 10:1-14 and Luke 10:1-11 are examples of how gospel pastors should live; Step 33; p242

a. Yes, in deep poverty with nothing extra

b. Yes, many books on pastoral support quote these texts

c. No, they more closely resemble part-time volunteers on a short evangelistic crusade

d. Jesus did not replace these guidelines in Luke 22:35-39
70. “The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand” means; Step 33B; p242

a. If Israel accepted Christ, the literal kingdom on earth would be very soon

b. It is only spiritual and has no literal physical aspect

c. If Israel rejected Christ, there would be no literal kingdom on earth for Israel

D. Since most denominations teach “b” and “c”, they must be right

71. Matthew 10:32-33 best answer; Step 33B; p242

a. Is comparable to what we do at baptism

b. Is comparable to the Great White Throne Judgment

c. Is comparable to everyday Christian life

d. Describes what happens when we fall from grace

72. In Matthew 14:15-21, Step 34C; p244

a. Because everybody shared, everybody ate

b. Jesus blessed an offering and multiplied it

c. All were filled; twelve full baskets remained

d. b and c

73. In Matthew 14:25-31 Peter walked on water; Step 35; p244

a. it was very shallow and he only appeared to walk on water

b. because he had faith and kept his eyes on Jesus

c. the liberal view of “a” is correct.

d. a and c
74. In John 6:53-58 “Eat my flesh and drink my blood” means; Step 36A; p244

a. Exactly what it literally says as Roman Catholics and Lutherans teach.

b. “Eating” and “drinking” are symbolic for “believing in Christ” per John 6:47

c. This means that communion (the Lord’s Supper) is the most important doctrine

d. Dr. Kelly thinks the Catholic and Lutheran views are NOT cannibalism.
75. In Matthew 15:24 Jesus said “I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel”; Step 37; p245

a. Before Calvary God did not intend to save Gentiles.

b. God’s obligation was first to Israel which should have accepted its Messiah and evangelized the Gentiles

c. The Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20 included all nations and all people

d. b and c

Gospels, Test 8, Steps 41-42, P245-249

76. In John 7:51 why did Nicodemus defend Jesus? Step 42D, p246

a. He had definitely secretly accepted Christ.

b. As an honest man he probably wanted fairness.

c. He wanted Jesus to be arrested soon.

d. all of the above

77. In John 8:1-11 the story of the woman caught in adultery is not in the “oldest, best” manuscripts; Step 42E; p246

a. This is a liberal lie implying “oldest” is “best”

b. It was removed by a pious scribe who thought adultery should not be forgiven.

c. It is found in the very old “Old Latin Bible” which reflects the Textus Receptus.

d. a and c

78. All scribes who copied the New Testament; Step 42E (class discussion)

a. were used by God if they believed in the inspiration of the Bible.

b. were used by God even if they did not believe in the inspiration of the Bible.

c. were extremely careful with God’s Word

d. kept their personal opinions out of the copying

79. According to Dr. Kelly, what is an easy way to determine if a Bible version has been corrupted?

a. It omits John 8:1-11 or its footnotes say it should not be included.

b. The cover does not read The Holy Bible.

c. It is printed in an atheist country.

d. It is based on the Textus Receptus.

80. In John 8:56 Jesus said “Abraham rejoiced to see my day”; Step 46I; 246

a. Abraham had literally and personally seen Jesus.

b. Abraham saw Jesus instead of a lamb while sacrificing Isaac in Genesis 22.

c. Abraham saw Jesus by faith both as the perfect sacrifice and the One who could declare him just before God.

d. all of the above

81. In John 8:58 Jesus said “Before Abraham was, I am”; Step 46I; p246

a. This is an extremely good text to know and show to Jehovah’s Witnesses about the Deity of Jesus Christ.

b. Jesus was equating Himself with JEHOVAH/YAHWEH.

c. Jesus accepted worship as God.

d. all of the above
82. In John 9:1-2 the man born blind (best answer); Step 42J; p246

a. was suffering from his own sin.

b. was suffering from his parent’s sin.

c. was suffering from sin.

d. was suffering from Satan’s sin.
83. From John 9:39-41 religious people can also be some of the most bigoted; Step 42J; p246-247

a. None of us harbor prejudice.

b. We all harbor some prejudice.
84. Read John 10:1-16 and write down the approximate number of points you can find to teach from these verses. Condense Wilmington’s list. Step 42KL; p247-248 ________

85. What do churches with names beginning with “United” have as a common trend?; Step 42-O; p248

a. Many disregard miracles and prophecy.

b. Many have women and homosexual members and pastors.

c. Most do not believe in the infallible inspiration of the Bible.

d. all of the above

Gospels, Test 9; Steps 42K-47, P247-252

86. Most independent fundamental Baptists: (John 10:28-29; Step 42-O; p247

a. Predestination Calvinists

b. Free Will Arminians

c. Believe in eternal security (once-saved, always-saved)

d. Are mid-way between Presbyterians and Methodists

e. c and d
87. In John 10:28-29 believers can take themselves out of God’s hand; Step 42-O

a. Yes, because we have free will

b. No, because God has closed His hand around believers

c. Yes, because we can always be re-saved and re-baptized

d. Yes, because, if we are saved, we will feel it
88. Matthew 16:18: “Upon this rock I will build my church; Step 44E; p249

a. Refers to the Giant Rock saying “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.”

b. History conclusively proves that Peter was the first church leader in Rome.

c. Peter was also the first leader of the first Church in Jerusalem after Calvary.

d. The cornerstone of Christ’s Church is Peter
89. In Matthew 17:2 Jesus shined with great glory when He was transfigured; Step 45; p249

a. His revelation of God’s will was equal to that of Moses (the Law) and Elijah the (prophets).

b. His revelation of God’s will was fully understood by Peter, James and John

c. His revelation of God’s will surpassed and fulfilled that of the Law and Prophets.

d. The Law and Prophets are still our primary source of THE truth.
90. In Matthew 17:24-25 Jesus should have paid tribute money to Caesar; Step 46; p251

a. No, He was the king’s son and king’s children did not pay taxes.

b. No. He was not a citizen of a country which must pay tribute taxes to Rome.

c. As children of the King we should follow Christ’s example and not pay taxes.

d. Roman money was accepted for worship at the Temple.
91. In Matthew 18:1, when asked “Who is the greatest in the kingdom?”; Step 46

a. Jesus said be humble like a small child.

b. Jesus threatened Hell-fire on child abusers.

c. Dr. Kelly said child abusers and animal abusers probably also abuse women.

d. all of the above
92. Mett 18:8-9 – Hebrew Sheol and Greek Hades -two of three biblical words for Hell; S46

a. include everything involved in Death and the Grave.

b. before Calvary contained compartments for believers and unbelievers

c. are the same as Gehenna, the Lake of Fire

d. a and b

93. In Matthew 18:22 Jesus said to forgive 7 x 70 or 490 times; Step 46C

a. That’s enough; then we can stop forgiving.

b. 490 is followed by eternity in Dan 9:27

c. Matthew 18:35 is not related to Jesus’ answer

d. a and c

94. In Luke 9:53-54 James and John wanted to kill Samaritans; Step 47; p252

a. In over 2 years with Jesus, they still had not understood compassion.

b. Jesus should have spent more time with the Samaritans

c. The Samaritans wanted Jesus to rush his journey towards Jerusalem.

d. Racial prejudice was approved before Calvary.

95. Jesus did not excuse three applicants for discipleship in Luke 9:57-62; Step 47C

a. They had legitimate excuses from warfare in the Old Covenant.

b. There is no excuse for delaying accepting Christ.

c. Today is the only day of salvation promised.

d. all of the above


Gospels, Test #10, Step 48-48II, p253-257

96. Jesus called the Pharisees a generation of snakes; Step 48D; p253

a. Jesus should have criticized their words rather than their persons.

b. This is considered proper in our time.

c. Jesus called sin and sinners by their names

d. Pharisees did not call Jesus bad names

97. Reforming your life without God’s help; Step 48E

a. should be done before accepting Christ as Savior

b. is dangerous if God is not involved.

c. will never lead to a worse condition.

d. is not the atheistic answer

98. Dr. Kelly accepts the standard viewpoint of the “3-days/3-night theory.” Step 48G.

a. Kelly: Jesus died on part of one day; the next day was a Sabbath; the day following the Sabbath was the first day of the week.

b. Chapman: “3 days and 3 nights” must be literally 72 hours in order for Jesus’ statement to be true

c. “inclusive reckoning” is used by Dr. Kelly’s argument

d. all of the above — but our salvation does not depend on our understanding of this.

99. The only safeguard we have for Christ’s return is; Step 48MN.

a. to be ready for Christ’s return at all times.

b. to memorize the differences between the Rapture and Second Coming in glory.

c. not to be a member of a liberal church when Jesus returns.

d. all of the above

100. If Israel is the fig tree and its budding as a new nation was in 1948; Step 48Q

a. Christ should have come a generation later in 1988 as many predicted.

b. Christ should have come in 2000 as many predicted.

c. this proves that spiritual Israel is now the church.

d. none of the above

101. What do the stories of the lost sheep, the lost coin and the lost son have in common? Step 48Z; p254

a. They are all literally true in every word.

b. “Having” creates a problem for Baptists who interpret them allegorically.

c. “Lost” does not mean “lost”; it only means “backslidden” and “out of fellowship”

d. The key to each is not found in the final verses of each discussion.

102. The prodigal son’s brother; Step 48Z; p255

a. was a type of a modern church member who does not witness to his/her own families

b. was a type of a modern church member who has no compassion for the lost.

c. is the concluding high point of the parable

d. all of the above
103. “Faith as a grain of mustard seed” refers to

a. the quality of our faith.

b. tenacity in clinging to our own abilities

c. the size of the problem

d. a and b
104. In Luke 18:1-8 the parable of the unconcerned judge; Step 48HH

a. teaches us not to keep praying the same prayers over and over

b. as a child wanting something from its parent, never stop asking God.

c. teaches us to ask God for anything we want for any reason

d. b and c
105. In Luke 18:9-14; Step 48II

a. the Pharisee was following the law when he said that he “fasted twice a week” and “gave tithes of all.”

b. the Pharisee was going beyond the requirements of the law when “he fasted twice a week” and gave tithes “of all.”

c. the Pharisee should have criticized the tax collector for working for pagan Rome.

d. the sinner did not deserve compassion.

Gospels, Test 11, Steps 48JJ-52D, 257-259

106. According to Dr. Kelly, HOW is divorce punished? Step 48JJ; p257

a. though unpardonable, it will be punished (it is punishable)

b. civil law punishes through alimony, child support, etc.

c. God punishes through loss of children, relationships, finances, etc.

d. b and c
107. How was sin punished in the Old Testament? (discussion)

a. if caught or confessed, presumptuous (willful, deliberate) sins were punished by the judges

b. confessed sins of ignorance and accident were atoned via sacrifice and repayment

c. unconfessed willful sin was (and is) punished directly by God (Heb 10:26-27)

d. all of the above

108. In John 11 what is the most important text per the teacher? Step 48LL, p257

a. 11:23 Thy brother shall rise again.

b. 11:25 I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me,

though he were dead, yet shall he live.

c. 11:35 Jesus wept.
d. 11:42 [To the Father] I knew that thou hearest me always: but

because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may

believe that thou hast sent me.

109. The rich young ruler wanted to inherit eternal life (Mt 19:16-26; Mk

10:17-27; Lk 18:18-27) Step 48MM; p258

a. Jesus told him sinless perfection was required (keep the


b. The rich young ruler thought he qualified as sinless

c. The rich young ruler was not sinless; he had another god – his


d. Sinless perfection is required – through faith in Christ’s sinless

righteousness (2 Cor 5:21)

e. All of the above

110. Peter asked what rewards the apostles would receive (Mt 19:28; Mk

10:30; Lk 18:28-29). Step 48NN; p258

a. The apostles would sit on 12 thrones ruling the 12 tribes of Israel.

b. They would have to wait and find out after the Judgment Seat of

Christ (the Bema).

c. They would not be rewarded any differently than the rest of the


d. They would only be rewarded if they continued to stay saved.

111. The landowner paid the same wages to those who worked 1, 3, 6, 9

and 12 hours (Mt 20:1-15). Step 48-OO; p258

a. Those saved at the last minute will still be saved.

b. It is a parable teaching God’s transcendence.

c. Justification is equal for all; the rewards of sanctification differ.

d. all

112. Did Jesus heal blind men while entering or leaving Jericho? (Mt 20:29

30; Lk 18:35) Step 49; p258

a. both; there were two cities named Jericho

b. only while entering per Mt 2:29-30

c. only while leaving per Lk 18:35

d. God’s Word is wrong as its critics claim

113. Zacchaeus promised to give half of his fortune to the poor and to

restore 4x (Lk 19:1-10. Step 49B; p258

a. Jesus was not fair; He commanded the rich young ruler to give


b. Zacchaeus’ god was not his wealth

c. God does not want Christians to be wealthy.

d. God wants all Christians to share everything.

114. In Mt 16:6-13 and Mk 14:3-9 Mary washed Jesus’ feet with very

expensive oils. Step 50, p259

a. This was wrong; she was wasting money.

b. Judas and the disciples were right; sell it and give the money to the


c. As a notable exception to common sense, it was the only anointing

Jesus would receive before being declared as Messiah the next day.

d. Jesus rebuked Mary for wasting money.

115. Daniel 9:24-27 and Nehemiah 2:1-8 provide the dates for Jesus’

ministry centuries in advance. Step 52D, p239

a. Many call this the greatest time prophecy of the entire Bible.

b. Although prophetic years were 360 days, Jews often adjusted

calendars using solar years.

c. This is simply too exact a prophecy to be coincidental.

d. All of the above.

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