Philippians 1-4
Bible Institute
second year, first semester, Russell E Kelly
1. 1:1 Who are bishops in the Bible?
2. 1:2-3 What happened to the bad experiences Paul had in Philippi?
3. 1:4-5 How quickly did Paul gain friends in Philippi?
4. 1:6 What is eternal security based upon?
5. 1:8 Why does Paul not say that he longs for the Philippians from his own bowels?
6. 1:9 What cycle is in verse 9?
7. 1:12 Why does Paul not complain about his hardships?
8. 1:14 What did Paul’s boldness in preaching from jail cause here?
9. 1:15-18 Why do you think Paul rejoiced because some preached a contentious Christ?
10. 1:20-21 What does 1:21 explain?
11. 1:23-26 According to this verse, what happens at death?
Whom is it better for?
12. 1:28 What does Christian persecution prove?
13. 2:1-2 Shorten and reword 2:1.
14. 2:3-4 Shorten and reword 2:3-4.
15. 2:5-8 is an illustration of which previous verses?
16. 2:6 Which doctrine does 2:6 strongly support?
17. 2:7 Which doctrine does 2:7 strongly support?
18. 2:9-11 When do the righteous knee before Jesus?
When will unbelievers kneel before Jesus?
To what does “things under the earth” refer?
19. 2:12-13 What does “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” mean?
20. 2:14-16 How does living a godly life before others promote the gospel?
21. 2:17-23 What Christian character traits did Timothy have that assured Paul?
22. 2:25 What word suggests the home church of Epaphroditus?
23. 2:24-30 What do some commentaries think caused Epaphrodites to become ill?
Answers: Philippians 1 and 2
1. 1:1 Bishops are the same as elders.
2. 1:2-3 He seemed to have forgotten them.
3. 1:4-5 From the first day
4. 1:6 God keeping His promises to believers
5. 1:8 Because of the mystery of the Church; Eph 5:30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
6. 1:9 As we love God more, we know more about Christ and are able to judge righteously as He judges which makes us love more.
7. 1:12 the things which happened unto me have fallen out rather unto the furtherance of the gospel
8. 1:14 Many, waxing confident by my bonds, are much more bold to speak the word without fear.
9. 1:15-19 Negative exposure is better than none at all.
10. 1:20-21 Paul’s determination that Christ will be magnified in his body — whether he lives or dies (1:20).
11. 1:23-26 Believers go to the presence of Christ; other believers.
12. 1:28 That you are doing something right for Christ.
13. 2:1-2 If you have benefitted anything from being a Christian then be like me.
14. 2:3-4 Place the needs of others above your own needs (2:21).
15. 2:5-8 2:3-4
16. 2:6 The deity of Jesus Christ; God the Son is equal to God the Father; same mold
17. 2:7 The humanity of God the Son.
18. 2:9-11 At the moment of salvation; at the time of their “2nd death” sentencing (Rev 20:12); dead unbelievers
19. 2:12-13 Grow daily in sanctification with fear and trembling
20: 2:14-16 We are often the only lights of Christianity others will ever see.
21. 2:17-24 His new nature made him care for others.
22. 2:25 Messenger, Ephesus
23. 2:24-30 overexertion
Philippians 3 and 4
1. 3:2 Who are the “concision”?
2. 3:3 What is spiritual circumcision?
3. 3:4-7 Why was Paul boasting about being a circumcised Israelite Pharisee?
4: 3:8 Why did Paul chose to lose everything (and every friend)?
5. 3:9 List 3 biblical truths you have previously learned found in 3:9.
6. 3:10 What does 2 Cor 3:10 and Phil 3:10 have in common?
7. 3:11-14 What does Paul want to achieve at the resurrection of the body that he has not already achieved spiritually?
8. 3:14-15 Paul was probably using terminology of the _________ and winning the _____ _______ for the best soul-winner.
9. 3:16-17 Is Paul restating 2:1-5? ____
10. 3:18-19 What kind of people is Paul describing? _____-__________
11. 3:20 What did “conversation” mean in 1611?
12. 3:21 Which Sadducee doctrine does this verse disprove?
13. 4:1 Paul’s two favorite words/phrases describing sanctification are _____ and ______ _____.
14. 4:3 Who was Clement?
15. 4:4 Where is Paul writing from?
16. 4:5 Why was Paul not wrong to expect the coming of Christ in his time?
17. 4:6 What is “supplication”?
18. 4:7 Can a Christian fully explain the peace of salvation to others?
19. 4:8 What is the best way to rid your mind of impure thoughts?
20. 4:11 Can contentment be purchased with money?
21. 4:13 Does this mean anything we want to do?
22: 4:14-16 Did Paul’s home church in Antioch, Syria help him financially? ____ What was the only assisting church at that point? __________
23. 4:19 Is this a universal promise which all Christians can claim? ____ Why?
24. Where is Silas?
Answers: Philippians 3 and 4
1. 3:2 Those who taught that physical circumcision was essential for salvation — Christian Pharisees
2. 3:3 Col 2:11 circumcision made without hands, in putting off the body of the sins of the flesh by the circumcision of Christ (also Col 2:12)
3. 3:4-7 To deny its value towards justification and introduce his testimony which follows.
4. 3:8 For the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord
5. 3:9 List 3 biblical truths you have previously learned found in 3:9. (1) “in him” means “justification by faith,” (2) “righteousness” in Paul is the same as “justification” and (3) “righteousness of the law” refers to Hebrews attempting to be justified before God because of good works of law-keeping
6. 3:10 The formula for victorious Christian living is in knowing everything possible about Jesus Christ.
7. 3:11-14 He wants to literally be what he already is spiritually.
8. 3:14-15 Olympics, gold medal
9. 3:16-17 Is Yes
10. 3:18-19 Self-centered
11. 3:20 community, address, citizenship (politic)
12. 3:21 No literal resurrection of the body
13. 4:1 walk, stand fast.
14. 4:3 Possibly the “Pope” of Rome from 88-98 A.D.
15. 4:4 Prison
16. 4:5 There are no necessary fulfillments before the Rapture.
17. 4:6 Supplication is that part of prayer which asks for God’s favor concerning a special necessity.
18. 4:7 No
19. 4:8 Replace them with good thoughts. Also 4:9.
20. 4:11 No
21. 4:13 No
22: 4:14-16 No, Philippi. Compare Acts 20:19-35.
23. 4:19 No, not all churches helped Paul financially.
24. No mention by Paul after Thessalonica;