Bible Institute

2nd year, 2nd semester, Russell Earl Kelly

Where are the redeemed from the tribulation? Compare 18:4.

2. 15:5-8 Where does the wrath of God originate?

3. 16:1-17 Describe the 7 vials in 4 points.

4. 17:1-8 Who is the great whore?

5. 17:9-15 Do you see a last day merging of political and religious authority similar to Daniel 7:7-27?

6. 17:10-11 What is one theory about the 8 kings?
7. 17:16-17 Why and how is the great whore destroyed?

8. 18:4 What does this tell us about salvation during the tribulation?


Which prayer is answered in 19:2?

10. 19:7-9 What has appeared for the first time since Revelation 3?

11. 19:11-21 Who are killed at the Second Coming of Christ in glory?

12. 20:1-3 Where is Satan during the 1000 year Messianic reign of Christ on earth?

13. 20:4 Name 4 groups who will reign with Christ during the 1000-year Messianic reign?

14. 20:5-10 What will happen at the end of the 1000 years?

15. 20:11 What happens to the earth and its atmosphere before the Great White Throne Judgment begins?

16. 20:11-15 What happens at the Great White Throne Judgment?

17. 21:1 How different is the new earth?

18. 21:4 Will we remember our lost loved ones in heaven throughout eternity?

19. 21:10-27 In eternity to come, how is the distinction between the Church and Israel merged?
20. 21:22-23 How has the Father and the Son merged?

21. 21:25 Will there be 24-hour holy days in the new Jerusalem heaven?

22. What is unique about these texts?

23. 22:20 Is there an explanation for “I come quickly” that explains the long delay?



1. 15:1-4 Compare 18:4. The living redeemed are still on earth and will enter the millennial reign.

2. 15:5-8 The wrath of God originates at His Presence against all that is not holy.

3. 16:1-17

(1) They are much worse than the seals and trumpets.

(2) They are ultimately against the beast and his followers.

(3) They prepare the Battle of Armageddon.

(4) They righteous do not seem to be affected [opinion].

4. 17:1-7 The great whore is the last day false worship system which promotes worship of the beast as Christ and has controlled the rulers of the earth.

5. 17:9-18 yes

6. 17:10-11 Nations which have ruled Israel: FALLEN: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece; ONE IS:Rome and ONE YET: revived Rome. See Daniel 2’s feet of iron and clay.

7. 17:16-17 After being defeated by Christ (and realizing the whore was not from God), the rulers of earth destroy the false worship system. [No more pretense.]

8. 18:4 God still has believers inside false churches. If they come out, they will not be affected by its plagues.

9. 19:2 The prayer of the martyrs from Revelation 6:10.

10. 19:7-9 The Church appears again. Jesus has been busy for 7 years since the rapture of the Church.

11. 19:11-21

(1) 19:18-19a all (who fight against Christ)

(2) 19:19b-20 the beast and false prophet

(3) 19:20 the remnant (of the beast’s army)

(4) 19:14 others remained to be ruled with a rod of iron during the following 1000 years

12. 20:1-3 Satan will be confined to Abbadon, the bottomless pit.

13. 20:4-6

(1) The tribulation martyrs (20:4, 6)

(2) The 12 disciples (Mt 19:28)

(3) Christians (1 Cor 6:2)

(4) Old Testament saints (Daniel 2 end; Daniel 7 end)

14. 20:5-10

(1) Satan assembles the living wicked to attack earthly Jerusalem and they are destroyed (20:8-9)

(2) Satan is cast into Gehenna, the lake of fire, for eternal torment (20:10)

15. 20:11 The earth and its atmosphere no longer exist. Also 21:1.

16. 20:11-15

(1) the unbelieving dead are raised from Hades and Death (20:13)

(2) their fate has already been determined because theY rejected the gospel and their names are not in the Book of Life (20:12; Jn 3:16-21)

(3) since they are not in the Book of Life , they can only be judged by their inadequate works

(4) They are cast into Gehenna, the lake of fire

17. 21:1 It is completely new; it has no sea.

18. 21:2 Believers will cry over their loved ones during the judgment final penalty phase, but God will remove the memory.

19. 21:10-27

(1) They are both symbolized by the new Jerusalem.

(2) It has 12 gates for the 12 tribes of Israel (21:12).

(3) It has 12 foundations for the 12 apostles (21;14)

20. 21:22-23 The two constitute one temple and one light and sit on one throne (22:3)

21. 21:25 No, not without nights.

22. 22:1-3 Ezekiel 47; both sit on one throne

23. 22:20 Thomas Ice, a prophecy expert from Jerry Falwell University says it means “When I come, the last events will occur quickly. ‘Quickly’ refers to ‘how” and not ‘when.'”

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